
Oh snap, you're right!

Good to know, I'll definitely keep up with it now.

I've only read the first three or four issues on Unlimited so far but I kind of like the wacky lineup and tone. It feels a little more ramshackle than most Marvel books of late.

Same here, with a few current exceptions.

FUCK YEAH USAvengers!!

Oh god I know. IIRC he's been possessed by the evil Entity, but still it's disturbing. That scene with him and Dani is one of the most WTF moments from mainstream comics that I can remember.

Good point!

And thanks for the reminder on Spider-Woman: I needed to reorder some diapers and whatnot for the kids and I found the most recent trade for $6.95 at Amazon. *added to cart immediately*

Yeah, Remender's run started off playing off that vibe but then, as happens with Remender's work at times, things sort of veered off in other directions and the focus was a bit muddled by then. I did enjoy that series though, it was the closest thing to classic Claremont style I've read in ages.

The current Uncanny Avengers lineup is another WTF. I've read a few issues, it's entertaining, but I still can't figure out why this group of characters would be working together.

They Came From Inner Space!

Yes, that's most likely it. I'm pretty sure Adam Warlock was still out of the picture at that point. I should point out I'm a huge fan of Starlin's Warlock work, especially the '70s run, so whenever I see the name Warlock in relation to Marvel Comics that's the character I think of!

Yes to Spider-Woman! I read that one up until the Secret Wars reboot and keep meaning to pick up the new trade of this current run. It looks terrific.

Is that this week's issue? I haven't gotten to the shop to pick up my books yet but I'm dying to read that one!

How are we to pronounce USAvengers? That's just awkward, for goodness sake.

I could do with a little less glib in current Marvel comics, that's for sure.

I hope you never read the X-Men-Micronauts miniseries then. First of all, it was batshit crazy but not nearly as good as I'd hope a Claremont-Mantlo collaboration would be, and second there's a really awful scene with Dani that still irritates me today!

Why did Claremont/Marvel create two new connected characters (Warlock and Magus) in the '80s that shared names with two other connected characters from '70s Marvel? That's always bugged me.

Well, all I'm regularly reading from Marvel now is Black Widow and it's fantastic, so that's my vote. As I said elsewhere I'm reading Ultimates on Unlimited and quite like it.

I'm reading Ultimates on Marvel Unlimited as the issues appear but know basically nothing about New Avengers. I like Ultimates a lot so far. I haven't read a lot of Ewing's work and frankly the titles of the series he's worked on all seem the same to me and I constantly confuse them—Mighty New Ultimate Avengers, huh?…