
I've really only been reading old stuff on MU also. I keep meaning to read newer series but because there are only a few issues on the app yet for, say, Ultimates, I read them in dribs and drabs as they release, IF I remember to check for them. Which I rarely remember to do. It's not a great system, honestly. I much

I didn't like him in the part either. He seemed like a little kid play-acting as the Joker. It was unseemly. Definitely my least favorite cast member by a mile.

Agreed in full.

I hear ya, nothing ridiculous about that at all. I stayed up late over the weekend for a wedding and the next day I felt totally hung over. I'd only had two drinks, it wasn't that. I just can't stay up late anymore, it's not conducive to me being happy or in a good mood the next day!

So I'm not alone?! Yay! It was a blast, right?

Congrats on the book deal! That's awesome news, Aeorostar!

It is a quick read, you're right. That's one factor that's making me consider trade waiting it after the first arc comes to an end.

I think I secretly wanted to be a dick taking esoteric adventures, so Strange always appealed to me. But from what I've seen I'm not that jazzed for the movie either.

You mentioned something I've been thinking about since Civil War this year - have the Marvel films peaked? I tend to think yes, they have, and it may have been with Winter Solider. I've enjoyed the rest of the films since, I really liked Civil War in fact, but I can't help feeling like momentum for their multi-film

Yeah I thought Courtney and Davis were fantastic, but you're right Davis didn't get enough to do. And what you said about embracing magic was one of my favorite parts—I loved how the characters just rolled with the wackiness, just like characters do in comics! "She's a witch," "Her dead husband's soul is trapped in

That's my favorite of the X-Men franchise, too. It still holds up, which I can't say for the other two from the original trilogy (and Last Stand never held up anyway!).

I'd say all of the above! I'm not particularly enamored with most of Marvel's writers at the moment, so that's a big one I guess. I find Breevort and Alonzo fairly annoying so that's colored my perception of the company's admin and editorial too. DiDio is super annoying too but I rarely see quotes from him anymore, so

I'm actually reviewing it for a website soon, so I'm working out my feelings on it still. I'm surprised to see it's held up well in my mind! Definitely has major flaws but I think it's an enjoyable hot mess. I thought Will Smith and Margot Robbie were pretty great, too.

Hey, you!

I read a bunch of DC again this week. My comics shop guy sold me on Superwoman (I enjoyed it but am leery about continuing based on the ending) and Superman - I picked up the Rebirth and #1 issue of that series. Good stuff, and I might have to scoop up the rest of the issues that are out next time I hit the shop. I've

I need to read Brubaker's Batman at some point. So they're collecting it in chronological trades?

Yeah, he was on fire with Wonder Woman: Earth One. Just gorgeous work. You can tell he took his time and really made every panel count.

I know I'm in that boat. I definitely miss old Marvel and I feel like this NuMarvel is not my Marvel. I don't mind that a newer generation can have their own Marvel to grow up on, not at all. I just don't feel like most of what they're doing is speaking to me. Plus for goodness sake I can't justify paying 4 bucks per

Black Widow is the only Marvel I'm reading monthly now and it's soooooo good.

Was it Scott Adsit from 30 Rock? I think he's a huge comic book fan.