
Was Strawman Ragman's hayseed cousin who lived in the sticks?

Oh I know, that sort of reaction to this series annoys me too.

Our buying habits, even down to the number of issues of a series we buy before losing track of it, are eerily similar.

My comment wasn't a response to anything you said, it was simply a tangential thought that came to mind while I was reading the thread. I've heard plenty of film buffs, critics, and even friends perpetuate the idea I mentioned. That's all.

From what I've seen of this series so far it looks like a wait-for-trade possibility for me. I'm curious but not enough so to jump in and buy it monthly yet.

Yeah, there seems to be this idea that if only the superhero movies would go away then the lower budget, more thoughtful and personal indie films would get more screens all across America. That's just not likely, though, because the audience for those films will always be more niche and remain small to moderate in

You're welcome! Let me know if you read it, I'd love to discuss it!


Interesting about "Can’t Take My Eyes Off You." That one always brings to mind Deer Hunter for me.

Yeah, that is unfortunate. I've only seen Civil War and BvS so far this spring/summer and while I really liked Civil War not a lot has stuck with me. But that's likely due to these movies being so ridiculously overstuffed. And BvS, well, yeesh. I didn't hate it like some, but I thought it was a big ol' mess.

It took work back in our day, son.

Ain't that the truth. It's been much easier to Netflix stuff at night lately than it has been to get ourselves to a movie.

A Hundred Thousand Worlds follows a cast of characters as they travel cross country making stops at various comic cons along the way. There's an actress who's famous for have starred in an X-Files type of show, her young son who's working on writing his own fantasy story, a comic book artist trying to finish the

The comments were truly depressing.

I haven't seen it yet and likely won't for a while. Too many weekend plans in the coming weeks and we've had a really hard time getting out to movies since we had kids. This is also one I'll have to see by myself - my wife likes the Marvel movies but isn't interested in Suicide Squad at all.

I really like the suggestion that Robbie find her own Lucy. I think she's more than ready for that and would be great in that sort of role. I'll likely see Suicide Squad because I like her, she's got real charisma on screen. I'm just worried that the movie will be a huge disappointment, based on all I'm reading.

I've read a few of the ones on this list already and could join in on the discussion if you pick one of those. I think I have Planetary Vol. 1 and Sandman Vol. 1 at home in the to read pile (I know, I know, it's shameful I've never read those series), so those are ones I could move to the top of the pile to read for

How is it? I got that email from Comixology last night I think.

As a huge fan of Batman and the Outsiders - and I say that without a hint of irony - you are speaking my language, friend!

Didn't Marguerite Sauvage draw that Sensation Comics where Diana was a rock star? God I loved that story so much. That was also when I first discovered Sauvage. I really wish I'd kept up with Sensation, I only read it sporadically as it was coming out. I need to get all the trades at some point. I'm on a big Wonder