
I've been wanting to keep up with Harley since I read the first trade, maybe two years ago? If Amanda Conner was drawing it monthly? Then I'd buy it every damn month, in a heartbeat. I like the art in the series, but Conner is one of my faves. Her covers for the series have been terrific.

Agreed on BP, fully. Yeah, a lot of the series if preaching to the choir - with me being the choir in this instance - but I appreciate that it's also possible that it's some kids' first exposure to these sorts of issues and ideas. I think that's fucking great. When I was a kid I had X-Men comics, which helped make me

Late last year I decided to cut way back on monthlies and once series ended and fell off my pull I didn't add much new stuff. Since Rebirth I've added a few books, but my pull is very minimal right now.

As a follow up to yesterday's Suicide Squad article and discussion of the Ostrander run there and in the comments, I picked up the first volume of his run from the '80s. Comixiology has it for half off. I'm excited to finally read some of this run. I think the only issues I ever read were the crossover ones with JLI.

I read the first two issues of Monstress then decided to wait for trade, but I was really enjoying it. Definitely want to check it out soon. The art is stunning.

Awesome, good luck with the interview! My brother-in-law lived in Minneapolis for a few years recently but we never made it out there to visit because we were so busy with my wife being pregnant, then having the twins, etc. Keep us posted on the move and how you like your new home once you settle in.

I think we all need help here with the same addiction. Truly.

More temptation! I'm pretty sure I'll snag Suicide Squad vol 1 later at least.

Hawkworld really was terrific. I think I only read up to issue 18 or 19, not sure how long it lasted after that.

"The entire decade of the eighties - the heart of the Jenette Kahn era - is without a doubt the peak period of the entirety of the existence of DC Comics. "

I agree, it was a wonderful time to be a young kid getting in on the ground floor of what DC was doing then.

Pretty sure we played that silly game too!

That's how I remember it too.

Strangely I only read a few issues of Legends back then. I need to read it all, you're right. Justice League International spun out of it, right? I jumped on board with that book from issue one but for reasons only known to my younger self didn't with Suicide Squad.

Ah right, now I remember. I those JLA-JSA crossover issues I read were All-Star Squadron issues.

Funny Conway comes up here. I just read three issues of Atari Force (with beautiful art by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez, praise be his name) that I picked up earlier this summer at a local con. My goodness it was fun stuff. Very breezy reads, lots of cool world building going on, and snappy dialogue.

I have the first trade of The Spectre (collecting the first 12 issues I think) and you are so right - Mandrake was phenomenal on that book. I need to get the rest of the trades but I thought heard DC stopped releasing them after only two?

Yes, Caitlin for handler, for sure.


Ha! I just commented about not reading it either. Your reasons for holding off on buying the Suicide Squad trades reflect mine, too. I think they are up to vol. 4 or 5 at this point and now it just feels overwhelming to me - financially, mostly. But damn I really do want to check out this run at some point.