
Okay, so I take it I should buy vol. 1 of the Ostrander series, which I think I saw Comixology is offering for $5.99 this week? Never read it, always been curious.

Shit man, now I want to see 1994 Oliver Stone direct Suicide Squad.


Please tell me they blow up a Hawkman statue in the movie.

It's almost like the age-old Marvel vs. DC debate that comics fans grew up arguing about has just transferred over into their film adaptations.

Robbie is the draw for me too. I'm also curious to see what they do with Katana, a character I like, but I'm not holding my breath it'll be anything great.

Awesome! Thanks! I am now following you as well, sir.

Beyond some of the annual JLA JSA team ups (which I think Thomas wrote the JSA issues) I haven't read any of his JSA. I'm guessing it isn't collected? I'd like to check it out someday along with Infinity Inc.

I'm not sure how much Roy Thomas work I've read but it's a decent sampling and I honestly can't recall ever really loving any of it. Huh. Maybe I'm forgetting something mind blowing that he wrote but I dunno.

Might be freaky but it also might be cathartic for you and readers. Keep it in the hopper, see how you feel about it down the road.

Thanks for this advice, it definitely helps. It's been encouraging to read responses like yours and see that I'm basically already doing a lot of the same things you all are doing.

Nighthawks! Yes, it is fucking awesome. That was one of my fave cable movies from back in the day. It's basically been forgotten, it seems, so I'm happy to see you included it here.

Yikes-a-hooty that's a lot of crazy clothing. And Viola keeping it classy, of course.

Always two of my favorite stops whenever I'm in NYC.

You inspire me to attempt something similar with my own gigantic and unwieldy CD collection, most of which I rarely touch anymore now that I use Spotify and YouTube to stream whatever I want.

That's interesting because the comics shop guy told me that Perez New Teen Titans wasn't going to get me anything from them. He said there's no demand for it. I have about 20 issues of that series - basically #20-40 - but I'm reading it in trades now and I'd rather just dump these issues. Maybe I'll have to try

I actually use Instagram also and really enjoy it, especially for following artists I like. I tend to share my drawings on there and also on Facebook (which, you're right, is full of jerks and I swear I want to hide most of them from my feed). You can see them here:

Aw man, you need to keep that Mazzy Star. Hope Sandoval's voice is worth it alone.

As far as Twitter, I don't know what you post there, but I don't just link my videos there. I tweet about a lot of stuff. Whatever I'm reading, what movie or TV show I'm watching, a dumb joke that pops into my head etc.