
I LOVE The Nail!

I was this close to picking up all of Fatale in the recent Image sale at Comixology. I chickened out at the last minute (due to money reasons), but one day I'm going to read that book!

I hear you. Besides writing for that site I also have my blog, and I wish I could figure out how to get my blog posts noticed more. I have no clue how many hits my Sequart articles are getting. I suppose I could ask them about numbers at some point but I don't want to bug them. Either way I know their reach vastly

Thanks for the encouragement! I'm going to do some investigating at various sites to check their submission requirements. I work in publishing, so I know all too well that you need to follow those guidelines. We reject things quite often for that reason alone. Thanks again, I'll try and keep you posted. I've also been

Check this out. It's Copra creator Michel Fiffe's bound editions of Cloak and Dagger. I'm drooling over this, seriously.

The age-old dilemma. Ugh, makes me nuts, this stuff.

Totally unrelated but something I've been meaning to ask you on here for a while: I've been writing about pop culture at Sequart for six months - some comics, some music, some films, a few book reviews recently. It's been a great situation - I have a day job and I'm not paid for writing for Sequart, but I've gotten

He knew that his prudish pal Siskel would lose his mind over the boobs, that's for sure.

Great, that's what I thought, thanks. And I'm using an iPad also. I wish I'd gone with more gigs when I bought the thing last year, though.

Right, that's it. He seriously misrepresented how many times that scene was rerun during those closing credits, though.

Exactly, I never feel like I'm missing anything with either of those guys' work.

Comixology question: when you archive comics in your library, they no longer count against your tablet's storage, right? Stupid question I suppose, but I can't seem to find an answer for it online.

I haven't had anything bound but I can totally relate to this. I've spent way too much time hunting down back issues to get entire runs of some old series, way too often, only to find out a few months later that a nice and affordable trade is forthcoming.

He and Alan Moore seem to share that obsession.

I enjoyed Pax Americana and Multiversity as a whole. I was reading it as the issues came out but I want to do a full reread at some point. Pax Americana was one of my favorites, even if I did find it confusing in parts. There was something about the tone and the aesthetic of it that just worked for me. Clearly Quitely

Last night I read the newest issues of Wonder Woman, Black Widow, Green Arrow and Detective Comics. Then I read the first part of the second trade of Bombshells.

God help me I'm curious about that title for some reason. Must be an old affection for Jim Lee art, I suppose. Did he even draw the Rebirth issue?

I've read very little of Millar's work over the years. Not sure why, but at some point early on I was turned off by him and just started avoiding him. This line, "he is a savvy businessman and continues to produce new comics with the intent of seeing them have a second life in film" does nothing to make me want to

Sounds like conversations about Howling II that I had with my friends as a teen also. It was craptacular!

My friends and I walked around school for weeks saying to each other, "Your sister is a werewolf" while imitating Lee's ominous deadpan delivery. You're so right, it's absolutely packed with crazy.