
1981 was also the year that Rocky and Lando teamed up in the terrible but highly watchable flick, Nighthawks. Those were strange times indeed.

Wallace really is fantastic in The Howling, as well as in most of the other films she starred in. Very underrated performer, for sure.

I saw it when I was maybe 13 or 14, when I was just starting my foray into b-movies and I just ate it up. I'm sure my continual fondness for the film has something to do with nostalgia, but I still find it entertaining as hell. Roger Ebert, in his review, commented on the Stirba bodice ripping scene as the filmmakers

She can kneel before my Zod any time she likes, if you know what I mean.

That was a great interview on Maron, I second that recommendation. Also, very nice analogy to Schrader's work. I hadn't thought of it that way before, it's so true!

"The pièce de résistance arrives during the closing-credit montage—set to the umpteenth reprise of quasi-punk band Babel’s one song, appropriately titled “Howling”—which comes complete with 17 repetitions of Danning ripping her top off during the aforementioned orgy. It’s the kind of moment that will either cement

That sounds good to me!

I wish I hadn't trade waited on Legend of Wonder Woman, argh. That's okay, it'll give me something fun to read at the end of the year (I think the trade is out in December).

I see what you did there.

Never forget Black Widow!

Yes, it is. I might pick it up while I wait for the third. There are some many trades coming out soon or already out that are on my wishlist. It's a little overwhelming.

I did read the 0 issue or preview issue, whichever it was, so I think I know the character you mean. It sounds great, can't wait to check it out.

I need to finish that series. I'll try to pick up the last two trades once they're both available.

I've been waiting to read Omega Men in trade for what feels like years now. I just checked and it's still not out until August 30. OMFG really, DC?

Yes, this, 100 times this.

Yeah, Flash always makes me smile too, which is a big reason why I'm hoping to come back to it when I find the time.

There's got to be!

I really wanted to like Supergirl and still think I'll give it a shot again on Netflix and maybe even this coming season when it moves to the CW. I just found the dialogue a bit too corny to stomach - and I have a very high tolerance for corny dialogue! Still, I really liked Melissa Benoist.

It is exhausting, isn't it? I'm definitely experiencing fatigue now. I tried Supergirl and was bored silly, then I dropped Arrow because it was so hard just getting through episodes of that show for me, then I totally lost interest in the Flash - a show I had absolutely loved! - with about 8 episodes to go. I still

As Danny Glover would say, I'm getting too old for this shit (and by shit I mean "the internet").