
My thoughts exactly! Massive shivers during those scenes, for sure. Loved her line in response to Steve Trevor, too - "What I do is not up to you." Yes!

It was as if Eisenberg was acting in an entirely different movie from everyone else.

Wonder Woman was my favorite part of BvS by a MILE. I didn't hate the movie like a lot of people, and parts worked for me, but it was a big fat mess, mostly. Anyway, I walked out of the theater that day a big Gal Gadot fan and this trailer just made me even more of a fan. Can't wait for this movie. Here's to hoping

I want to check this series out but I'm already committed to three Rebirth titles and there are others in the pipeline I want to check out.

Well, I'm ridiculously excited about seeing Wonder Woman after the SDCC trailer debut. I can't stop raving about it. Now I just have to wait 11 months, uuuuugh.

Yeah, I tend to favor JLU over any animated series ever. It s just perfection to me.

I love that sort of Silver Age fun. Bring on the Toyman and the games!

I don't know much at all about that book. Anyone else?

Right on. But let's not forget that when Frank Cho draws a panty shot it's empowering…to Frank Cho. That must count for something…to Frank Cho.

Both trades were added to cart in Comixology. I input the discount code, completed the transaction. Starting to read it now!

Now I'm sad that we'll likely never see Victor Garber's giant floaty head on Legends.

I just reserved the second and third volumes of Azzarello/Chiang from my library. I read volume one last year and really enjoyed it. Let us know how you like the Lepore book - I want to read it too at some point.

Are we keeping these selections to classics of the medium, or can we throw out ideas for recent series? For example my library has some Image books I've wanted to read and I'd imagine others might also?

Same here. I have the Batman stamps from a year or so ago and the Wonder Woman ones will be saved right alongside those!

Marvel is clearly hellbent on sequalizing every damn story they've ever done.

Crap I forgot about this. Busy weekend and week upcoming so I don't think I'll be able to participate but I'll try and join y'all on the next one.

I can't keep up with the constant news from SDCC. I need a site to go read a comprehensive review of what's been announced so far, but I doubt anyone's done that yet.

Whoaaaaa that looks awesome. Zatanna! Firestorm! Vixen! Wonder Woman kicking ass! Do you know when it premieres?

Chiang's Diana is super boss. Seriously great work from him on what I've read of that run.

Perez is great, but I might suggest Steve Rude on the New Gods. I've seen some Big Barda and Mister Miracle sketches by him online - WOW. Great stuff.