
Yes to Parker on Shazam, preferably with Doc Shaner as artist. And maybe one day DC will hear my pleas for another digital first alternative story - the satellite era (bronze age) Justice League. Zatanna in her costume that had a cape and thigh high boots! Green Arrow and Hawkman arguing politics! Firestorm as the new

You're really selling me on this series. I cannot wait to read this now.

Green Arrow and Black Widow are on my pull but I'm not getting to the shop this week. Hopefully next week, because I'm really excited to read those!

I have Black Magick in the pile at home, picked up the trade for five bucks at a local con last month. I need to move that to the top and read it soon, it looks amazing.

I know! I end up feeling like I'm not using MU enough and keep thinking I should cancel and just go month-to-month when I really want to read something. There's SO MUCH great stuff on there I can't find the time for!

Who knew she was a Metallica fan?

Oooh good one. Also, how about a Kirby Fourth World epic space opera commission?

Way too hard for me to narrow it down to just one, but maybe a Byrne Dark Phoenix. And like you said in another reply, I'd travel back in time to 1980 to get this art.

Yes, I'd lose my mind over that also.

I remember you raving about here before. This seems like the time for me to get it, when the two trades would only run me $12.99 total.

My problem is that I have too much to read between my Comixology comics, Unlimited, and the physical copies I have laying around. And then you throw in the books and novels waiting to be read and it all gets to be a bit overwhelming. I really shouldn't bother with these Comixology sales, but it's tough to resist.

Oh geez I didn't even notice the Image sale. Dammit I'm afraid I might blow some serious cash later.

As I believe I've told you two previously: get a room, will ya?

Good luck with that conversation, my friend!

So Comixology has a huge DC BOGO sale and I'm mighty tempted to get some stuff. Would y'all recommend the first two trades of Bombshells? I've been wanting to read it forever, so I'm leaning towards that. Also curious about the '90s Nightwing series, collected in several trades recently. Any other recommendations?

I agree, I think it's best to take anything he's saying here with a grain of salt. I'm not saying he's intentionally lying; I actually think he's letting emotion win out over reason.

It looks and sounds great, from this article. I'll keep my eyes out for it.

I know, it's like he's contractually obligated with himself to do so.

My usual hodgepodge. Finished Black Science vol 2, continued my reading of Showcase Presents: Blue Beetle, and the most recent issues of Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, and Detective. Of those new DC titles I'm reading, Wonder Woman is really impressing me a lot so far I'm enjoying the other two also.

Is that what Cho said? Because I have a hard time buying that from him.