
I'm really tempted to check that one out too. And lord help me but I actually want to give the new Suicide Squad launching in August a shot too. Plus that Lois Lane Superwoman book is calling to me. Seriously, DC has me more interested in them than I've been in ages. I have no idea if the good start for these Rebirth

FFBMB is editor-proof.

That's how I was feeling for a while also. I would let them sit forever, then wind up with several month's worth of different series to read. It felt like work. Now that I'm (a little bit) more selective, I seem to be blowing through my short stack of new comics. Which is nice.

I used to be a big Ollie fan, so this series is really making me happy. I skipped Green Arrow completely during the New 52, but now I might want to go back and check it out. Year One is great, BTW. I also recommend any Mike Grell era Green Arrow you can get your hands on. I even enjoyed Kevin Smith's run on the

Seriously, same boat over here. I have a bunch of comics and trades (along with novels) from my to-be-read pile on and around my nightstand. The wife just shakes her head at it. She's cool with my passion for them, but she doesn't quite understand how I can have quite so much passion for comics.

That right there could be a scene from my marriage as well.

I didn't even know about Choosing Sides but I love Sauvage so now I want it.

Doing well, thanks. Congrats on reaching your goal! I've been moved to a temporary offices this week due to some leaking ceiling tiles in mine and my neighbor's. So the work week has been a bit disruptive, to say the least. I had an interesting incident at my kids' daycare the other day. As I was leaving after drop

Here, here.

Oooh Conan sounds good. Sometimes I think I could put everything else aside and just binge on Conan comics. But for some reason I don't really own many beyond the Marvel issues I had as a kid. I love the original Howard stories, so I'm definitely tempted by this.

I just finished the second trade. I really dig that series. Which of course means I need to spend more money in order to keep up. Argh, stop being so good, Image!!

Ah, that might keep me from signing up then. I really don't want to get into a series after one volume and then have to pay for the rest. Not that I won't pay for some of these—if I had unlimited income I'd probably be reading 10-12 Image books right now instead of only 3-4.

Wonder Woman #2. Wow! I loved it and I'm just really digging that series so far.

Who's using Comixology Unlimited? I'm tempted to do the free trial because there are a ton of Image books I want to check out. My question though—do they have only first volumes of most of those series?

Keep your breasts up—er, your chin, I mean your chin, Power Girl.

Has anyone here read the graphic novels? I have the first one, got it free at my comics shop last year when they were giving away prizes during some event. I still haven't read it, but it has gorgeous art by Jae Lee. It doesn't appear to be a straight retelling of the books either, but I'm not sure.

And chances are that every time he goes through the journey again, some things happen as they did previously while others occur in new ways, or bring new characters into the fold. So I have a feeling we'll still get plenty of plot points and elements from the series in the movies. It's an interesting approach, I give

I'm hoping for the same thing. Shayera is such a great and underused character.

Same here that game ROCKED! They had a team from Hawaii for god's sake!

It was mostly us, though.