
So do you know if a lot of say, Fatale, is on Unlimited now? Or is it just volume one? I am tempted to do the free trial but I heard there isn't a lot beyond the first volume of series.

They were unstoppable!!

I must admit, I haven't read any of his work yet! And will that be Kitty Pryde as Star-Lord or Star-Lord as Star-Lord?

*Sigh* That's what I was afraid of. Now I must read them.

"Hawk, owl, what the fuck ever" - Marvel editorial

Related - I just found out the other day that DC's been releasing trades of Chuck Dixon's '90s Nightwing series. I only read a few issues of that, so now I'm already plotting out how I can afford to pick up the first four trades that are out and still, ya know, pay the bills.

Good point. I can't really think of a writer at Marvel right now that excites me. I like Waid, which is partly why I'm reading Black Widow, but I have no interest in the other books he's writing for Marvel.

Yeah that's what bugs me about Marvel lately also. There's an arrogance to the way they handle their line now that turns me off quite a bit. I mentioned once here how their PR bugs the shit out of me and then this sort of character assassination just bugs me even more. The X-Men were always my favorite part of Marvel

Did you read Nightwing too? The LCS guy raved about it but I was already picking up the three DC titles on my pull so I tried to have some restraint.

I should probably save this for tomorrow's comics thread, when more folks are reading, but I'll throw it out there anyway: anyone read Gene Yang's New Super-Man this week? I'm quite curious but decided to wait on picking it up.

Would you say you are merely mildly opposed now?

I bet it won't last beyond early fall, so yeah they likely don't give too many fucks about it.

See, I knew you had it in you!

And I loved that run!

It seems to be one of the books people hold up as his best work, from what I can tell.

One of the guys at my LCS was just saying yesterday how Marvel just relaunches way too often nowadays. Nighthawk is on issue 3 and it's already basically been swept aside. The time between relaunches - or cancellations and launching new titles - seems to keep getting shorter and shorter with Marvel.

No way, nope, you ain't getting off that easy. While I may know your feelings on the subject, it would still be boffo to read 'em once more.

Consensus seems to be his best work is Jessica Jones and Ultimate Spider-Man, neither of which I've read beyond some arcs. I really didn't care for his Moon Knight, which I thought was abysmal. And he really doesn't do anything for me when he's in "event mode." Then again, not a lot of writers today do, so I don't

Interesting. I'm also curious about Fatale and Paper Girls. My library has Paper Girls so I requested that one, but doesn't seem to have Fatale so I might try the first volume in this sale, I dunno. I love Velvet, which Brubaker writes, so it seems like a no-brainer for me.

Nice! Do you read East of West? I know so many folks on here do, but I haven't the foggiest what that one's even about.