
Huh. Never heard of her.

Right?!? I might quit therapy now that I have Bob Ross back in my life.

Burritos, whether fresh or frozen, are one of those foods I simply can't pass up. I freaking love them.

Exactly. And if we all beat the devil out of our paint brushes to release pent up rage and anger we'd be a better society.

The Bob Ross Appreciation Thread. Recently a friend I discovered that some episodes of Bob Ross were up on Netflix so we've been binging on them, plus some more on YouTube. Hadn't seen them since I was a kid, but now it's a totally different experience. It's like watching a wizard at work! And Ross is so damned

That sounds delicious!

Beer snob here too. I was worse a few years ago though, I've kind of tamped it down some. Also, it seems grapefruit is an ingredient in a lot of beers this summer.

I'm really enjoying that series!

"You mean you were diagnosed with something called a brain cloud and didn't ask for a second opinion?"

Jello shots?!? Wow, you're taking me back, my friend.

Where do you stand on the Shandy? I think Leinenkugel's might be the only one I've had that I've liked.

Yuengling rocks! Between this and the earlier mention of High Life I want to start a thread of top five cheap/old school beers. My list would contain those two, for sure, along with maybe Genny Cream Ale and…hmmmm, I need time to think on it.

You can't go wrong by keeping some High Life on hand though, along with whatever else you get. High life is probably my favorite old school, cheapo beer.

Ah, nice. I want to try that one. So it's not too hoppy? One of my big complaints in recent years is the hop overload trend has gotten out of control.

I had a big day at the comics shop, picking up the latest Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, and Detective Comics, plus Saga Vol. 6. Can't wait to dig into them later.

Ah, loved A Visit From the Goon Squad. I remember wanting to find and read more of Egan's work after that but it's been years now and I still haven't gotten around to that. Soon!

A Hundred Thousand Worlds by Bob Prohel, which I'm enjoying so far. The novel has several characters and moves between their story lines, with a lot of intersecting so far. So I'm not as into certain characters and their stories as others, but for a debut novel it's very engaging so far and also just a little

Against all reason I'm actually kind of excited for Suicide Squad. But I have very strong doubts that Warners will be able to pull of something that isn't just a hackneyed piece of junk, messily tossed together after rewrites, reshoots, copious edits, etc.

My wife and I just started watching Parenthood for the first time now - we became parents a few years ago and suddenly the show seems worth checking out. So far I really like it.

I'm still not over the cancellation of that series.