
Look at fresh-faced cutie Jordan Catalano up there, before he went and Joker-ized himself.

I was reminded me of just that indisputable fact while watching Zombieland again the other day.

Right, I guess I meant more like he seems to be writing the B-team books, or at least the Avengers books that aren't considered the flagship titles. Again, take all this with a grain of salt from me because A) I haven't paid that much attention to the Avengers line in recent years and B) I've only read a small

It threw me the first time I heard it, too. Although it does sound better than an alternative: "Where your rubbers."

Ah, okay. No worries, the one instance of it I saw online listed just like you did. Al Ewing gets a lot of big buzz in recent years, I wonder if Marvel will put him on a major franchise book at some point? Of course, I don't know his bibliography all that well, so maybe he's already done that.

Huh, I really think they need to add a space between "Ultimates" and "2" but I'm persnickety like that. Glad Ewing will be sticking with it, but I hope Kenneth Rocafort is back also.

That's the feeling I get too.

Exaggerating my feelings for comic effect is basically my default mode and it leads to a lot of people in my daily life just looking at me strangely or completely missing the humor in my approach. IDIOTS.

You know I'm not minimizing your seriousness, haha. I was laughing at how nakedly honest that post was. I LOVED IT!

Not much comics wise. I'm on board with Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, and Detective, and I'm gonna try to get to the shop this week to pick up my pull which should contain at least two of those since last time I was in. So besides a novel I'm reading - A Hundred Thousand Worlds, anyone else reading it here? It's about


From what I saw of the 2.0 leak, nothing really wowed me at all. Honestly I was so underwhelmed I can't remember anything beyond Jessica Jones at this point. But I've been underwhelmed by Marvel's big announcements for a few years now at least.

I've read the first few issues of Ultimates on Marvel Unlimited and really enjoyed them. I need to remember to check Unlimited soon to see if they've added a new issue yet. I had no idea the book was already being relaunched! Really?? Not sure why I'm surprised, that's the way of things now, but still. Will it have a

I've wanted to read The Shadow Hero for a while, sounds like it's quite good. That New Superman book is intriguing too.

I have the Black Magick trade on the pile at home. Can't wait to dig into it.

I'm really looking forward to this and hope to make it to the shop this week to get my copy. So far I've enjoyed the Rebirth and #1 issues a lot. Adding Nicola Scott just ups my excitement level, too.

Blast from the past! I watched those three shows and that crossover as a younun too. Oy.

Oh boy do tell.

Scalera's art blew me away! It's unbelievably good. I think I'll have to continue with this series, for sure.

Yeah this is definitely a call back to the original blaxploitation Luke Cage stories.