
You're reminding me, I loved vol. 1 of Black Science and have vol. 2 in the read pile now. I need to get back to that series. Are you still enjoying it? I need to follow another series like I need a hole in the head but with Image's reasonably priced trades I might just keep up with this one.

Get a room, you two.

Was this already discussed here and I missed it? I'm definitely intrigued…

You know, I almost added Killing Joke too. Yeah the Moore added an origin was the beginning of the slow decline.

I loved the Joker back then. It would be interesting to pinpoint when he stopped being that Joker that I really liked and became, well, whatever he is now. I suppose when he had his own face cut off, maybe.

Sounds like I finally need to get around to reading this one, huh? I hear so many good things about it.

If you want to check out some great Gleason work I highly recommend his run on his fairly recent run on Batman and Robin with Tomasi and also his time on Aquaman, from about a decade or more ago.

Oh yeah I saw some pages for Empress and was blown away but then, you know, Millar. So I passed.

Drawing, for sure. I haven't been able to as much as I'd like the past few weeks, but last night after the wife and kids fell asleep I took out the sketch pad and roughed out a sketch of…wait for it…yours truly, Shugah! Yep, Rogue. Over the year she's been one of my default sketches when I'm feeling antsy and too

I've seen how devastating anxiety can be to some people in my life, so my heart goes out to you. Keep reading comics and doing things that bring calm and joy to your life.

I wanted to love the first issue of Future Quest but felt as you describe here, that it was overstuffed and incomprehensible in parts. I was bored, frankly. I did love the cartoon as a kid and I love the creators involved, but i'm giving this one a pass at least for now.

I like Waid overall, but he can be very hit or miss. His current Black Widow has been quite good, but Chris Samnee is sharing story credits on that one, so he's playing a big part in the high quality level of that one so far.

Except for the Joker. His coming back from seeming death over and over was a hallmark of his. I always loved it, personally.

I've lost track, is he currently drawing anything for Marvel?

Agh my brain hurts now!

I didn't realize Justice League had started. So is that a Rebirth issue? How was it? I think I want to catch up on Paper Girls in trade. It looks intriguing.

Whoa that makes too much sense, something that is not common in trade numbering these days.

I really liked the first issue of this series, only kinda liked the second, then dropped the book. Nowadays I have to really love a series from Marvel to pay 4 bucks a month to read it. Right now it's only Black Widow I'm willing to do that for.

I think I read the first four or so issues of Silver Surfer but that was pre-Secret Wars relaunch. I liked it and would like to read it all now but I have no fucking idea how many volumes are out there now. Are there two volume ones now? Two volume twos??

It's pretty cool when an artist takes that huge leap from "eh" into "Holy crap this guy's awesome!"