
I think it's from before he even worked at DC, or maybe concurrently? I have no clue who published them, though. Aparo contemporary (and artist of a similar style) Don Newton drew a pretty mean Phantom too and I think there's a collected edition of his Phantom work out now, or soonish. But yeah, Aparo was the man.

So you're saying soon there will be even more trades that I'll want to blow my money on, is that it?!?

I still haven't read all of Rucka's original Wonder Woman run (I really need to), but I had high hopes heading into this also. It seems like we're in store for some great art between Scott and Sharp, plus some really good character work for Diana from Rucka.

I think I have a Free Comic Book Day comic featuring reprints of old Phantom stuff, with art by Jim Aparo. I should dig that out and finally give it a perusal.

I really want to complete my purchases of the Batman Adventures trades (I only have the first one), for two reasons: I want to read them all, plus I want to have them for my kids to read in the next few years.

I added Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, and Detective to my pull when they started, making a decision that I'd read the first arcs and decide from there. I really wanted to add a Superman book too but I set a limit of three Rebirth books, so…I'm trying to stick to it for now. I say this all the time, but I'm really trying

I really need to read some Phantom comics someday. Any you recommend? I can't figure out how they've been collected, or if it's just sort of haphazard.

Yet again, we're in agreement here. Gru Cap FTW, y'all.

I too started Brubaker's run but never kept up with it. I really need to, one day.

Not surprisingly, you just recommended most if not all of my favorite Cap runs. I would also add Englehart's run, from right before Kirby's, to that list. And "Madbomb" is so much fun.

Yeah, I haven't read a ton of his stuff beyond Ghost World and a few others before, so the Reader I got from the library has been awesome. I really want to read Wilson and Patience too. And that WTF interview was so freaking good.

I don't think anything could be cooler than that time Walt Simonson drew Asgardian She-Hulk twirling mjolnir.

The comics publicity engine needs a tune up. I can't be bothered to read interviews with writers talking about new issues or upcoming runs anymore. It's a waste of time because they clearly can't say anything of substance or Marvel will release the hounds on them.

I'm digging that series a lot so far.

Oh geez.

Yes, this.

Are people on ebay really buying your recently purchased floppies? I'm having a devil of a time trying to sell a handful of paperback collections (no takers), and I just imagined there was next to no market for recent back issues. There certainly isn't at my LCS, I've been told.

Seriously WTF with David Finch getting such high profile work?

Never read it but I hear good things about it.

I just watched that one again yesterday so it was fresh on my mind! I'd forgotten how creepy that movie is, and Barbeau is awesome.