
Still working my way through The Daniel Clowes Reader and—no surprise!—it's excellent. I'm a book nerd who works in publishing so I really love the design and layout of the book, too. Fantagraphics, man, they do it right.

I don't want to sleep on it like I did with Martian Manhunter, The Vision and Bombshells, where suddenly, a year's gone by and I haven't read them

Chabon is probably my favorite novelist and that book was a momentous read for me back in the day. I reread it now and then, still. It's terrific.

I've read a few of the early arcs in Waid's Flash run and enjoyed them a lot. But it's never been easy finding back issues of it for me, so I'm looking forward to these deluxe, or omnibus, editions that DC's going to be putting out soon.

Right, plus on TV you had WKRP in Cincinnati!

I think I'm in the same boat. At least Hobgoblin is still wearing that kickass costume!

Great interview! I love that she's into the whole Kubrikian thing. Very cool. Her work is a delight and she's my favorite colorist working today (I'm sure she's some of yours, too).

The Tim Sale variant cover is sweet.

Interestingly, female radio DJs were in a lot of cult films from the '70s and '80s. You have this one, the cult movie goddess Adrienne Barbeau in The Fog, and also the severely underrated and awesome Caroline Williams in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2.

Words cannot express how much I love this movie!

While I'm an artist and a writer, and of course a comics reader and fan, I haven't made my own comics since I was a kid. I often think maybe I'll give it a shot one day, when I have something to say that can't be expressed as well in my art or writing, but might instead need a comic to bring it to life. Anyway,

Hope Sandoval is a national treasure.

ICE to meet you!

Seriously. She was SMOKIN' hot in '95.

Wow, this brought me back. Saw this movie with my summer love in '95 and damn was I head over heels for her. Bought the soundtrack too, soon after, then played it a bunch once I was back at college in the fall, after my summer girl and I had broken up and I was wallowing in my sorrows. I remember blasting "Bad Day"

Yep, all the while wearing our "LOSER" t-shirts.

What's the point in all the piping on these modern costumes?

Same here. I thought he was fine in parts and really good in others, but I found his character a mess (not Affleck's fault).

Yeah, that's probably it in a nutshell. Not sexy enough, though? That's just crazy talk.

I've said it before but I'll say it again: I want DC to publish a Satellite Era Justice League anthology comic, similar to Batman '66 or Sensation Comics. Featuring non-house style art (please please please have Doc Shaner draw some issues), telling stories set during the bronze age.