
That Pozner mini series is amazing. The art by Craig Hamilton is ridiculously good, too.

I would say the following have been my favorites since childhood. In no order, Daredevil, Jean Grey, Batman, and…Rogue, of course! I can't pick just one. For a while as a kid it was clearly Spider-Man and Batman tied at the top. But Daredevil and the X-Men started to work their ways into my heart, where they've

Medusa and some of the Inhumans were in Fraction and Allred's FF, which was a great series. I loved Medusa in that one. Can't say I've ever paid much attention to the Inhumans otherwise though.

I read the first four of fives issues on Unlimited a while ago and enjoyed it, been meaning to get back to reading more of it. I love Allred too, and Allred women are so super cute, you're right.

Black Science
Black Magick

I'd like to watch that 90s X-Men cartoon again too. Is it streaming anywhere?


It really is hard to break that Wednesday habit. I might try though to force myself to a once a month visit at the LCS, in hopes that it'll keep my purchases to the few books on my pull.

Somewhere along the way something was lost when superhero comics started needing major revelations to happen so damned frequently. It wore me out, I'll tell you that much. I long for those old Batman stories you describe and like you I own a lot of them and reread them sometimes. So that's good.

I just wish she'd get her own book again.

All I can ever think of is the line from Mean Girls applied to the Inhumans: Marvel, stop trying to make the Inhumans happen.

That's a remarkably good use of Bendisian dialogue!

I'm with you, I kept reading Bendis and hoping to "get" him, or get what people loved about him. With very few exceptions, I rarely ever have, though. I find he's good in some books and absolutely terrible in others, and sometimes somewhere in between. I've rarely found him to be great though. But I know that he has

I've said this before here, but I highly recommend Steve Englehart's run on the character. It features beautiful art from Frank Brunner and Gene Colan and it's trippy and wacky as hell, which is what I like in my Dr. Strange stories.

Strange and Wong share a forbidden love!

No one does Bendis like Bendis. I wish he'd stop.

It actually boggles the mind. Not really sure what Marvel is thinking.

Soooo, Shulkie's not dead? That's all I care about here. Although now I have a strong craving for a nice port wine cheese spread.

I'm loving this feature. Great call on keeping all of your Cat Power. She is so phenomenally good I can't even put it into it words. Love her. And I'm with you on Coldplay. I like 'em too and used to be slightly embarrassed by that but now I don't give any fucks. Those first several albums are terrific.

I watched season one of The Bridge but missed season two. How was it?