
Just read the first two issues of Ultimates on Unlimited and liked it. Sort of has a cerebral science fiction feel to it. Lots of characters with enormous power sets too.

I've read a bunch of Gerber's '70s work across different Essentials - Cap and Daredevil are two that I recall - and it's usually very entertaining. I have his Defenders Essentials but haven't read those yet.

Same here, I tend to listen if I'm interested in or curious about the guest. The recent Louie Anderson one was also great!

I tried Mighty Avengers and gave up after four or five issues. I was bored silly with it. I have liked some other stuff Ewing's written though, so who knows. Maybe I should blame Greg Land?

Ah, okay, right. I loved Dini's run on Zatanna's solo book and if DC ever reprints it I'll be scooping that up.

What a steal!

Jealous. I read that series digitally a few years ago and loved it. I always take a look at the trades on Amazon and they're stupidly overpriced.

Good luck, dude! That seems to be the way of life, you go through a stretch where you hear nothing, nothing's happening, then BAM! You get hit with two interviews and potential third.

Which Batman trade? Inquiring minds want to know!

I'm curious about Dr. Strange too, and I love Bachalo. Speaking of Marvel, are you the Al Ewing fan here, or one of? Curious if you've read the current series Ultimates. I see that the first two issues are up on Unlimited now and I'd like to check that out.

That's awesome. He was a guest on Marc Maron's WTF podcast the other day and it was a fantastic conversation. I highly recommend it.


That's exactly what I was thinking. It's in my mental "waiting for trade" list.

You make some great points here. That's it in a nutshell. The fanboys who write comics sometimes lose track of what makes comics fun and why they fell in love with them in the first place. I miss the days of inintended subtext in superhero comics—often times that stuff was so interesting and entertaining.

No Englehart that I've seen but it's chock full of Steve Gerber. He writes the majority of the Son of Satan run. I think Claremont writes some of the Satana stories but don't quote me on that. And yes, lots of sentences ending in exclamation points. Not Kirby level stuff, but close.

It hurts so good.

I'm realizing that I have a tendency to wind up reading the less buzz-worthy books from the Big Two lately. Tom King on Batman is the one to read, it seems, but I skipped it for Detective and absolutely loved the first issue so I think I'll stick with it for a bit. I want to read King's Batman, but the art from Finch…

How could I forget to include Brave and the Bold?!? Words can't express how much I love that one too.

I'm an unabashed fan of '70s era Marvel. I'm still working my way through Essential Marvel Horror featuring Son of Satan and Satana. It's gloriously goofy. Plus, it features supporting characters who are PhDs, parapsychologists, and divinity students. Not your usual comics cast.

Details, details!