
Swordfish came out in summer 2001 and I think that movie helped keep Berry's boobs on people's minds.

Ska has to be one of the most '90s things that ever was. Jesus every other fucking person I knew was in a ska band, it seemed.

I'm in the same boat with you. I kind of take pride in being "the comics guy" in my circle of friends and family. Do you ever find that if they ask you "Was it like that in the comics?" it's really hard to give a succinct answer without blathering on about minute details from the comics that they surely won't give a

Drink and Draw sounds cool. So, were there comics artists there drawing, or was it open to anyone to draw while imbibing?

That reminds me I have my brother-in-law to talk comics with also but he's not currently reading any (that I know of) so he mostly talks about '90s comics, which is still a lot of fun.

I think you hit on a major factor in those early years of SMG hotness: the miniskirt and boot combo.

Curious about something: how many of you have friends that are also into comics and you can discuss them together? I have one really great friend who's into them but we don't live near each other. So our comics talk happens over texts and the once a year when we see each other. Otherwise I have pretty great comics

I'll check that article out! I've been writing for a website for the past several months but my natural introversion keeps me from sharing links here with you all! Plus it will reveal my secret identity ;-)

I really like it and my only complaint about it now is that I simply can't find the time to read as much as they're offering as I'd like. I keep starting a run of something, then get distracted when I see another run on there and jump to that, etc. I swear I'm losing attention span as I age.

Because we want them TOO MUCH.

I agree, let's hope they use him.

That Zee/Canary book is one of my faves of recent years.

I hope Barrows can handle the double shipping. I haven't seen if he's alternating issues with another artist?

Did you see the concept art he shared on his blog a few months back for a proposed Batman '89 miniseries with Kate Leth? I so wish this had happened.

Simone's first run on Secret Six is so good!

Ah, the Iron Man figure was especially sweet, I always thought. Really looked just like the comics version of the character at the time. Honestly, all of the Secret Wars figures looked like they stepped right off the page.


Yes to this and to those particular covers. Secret Wars covers were fantastic. #1 is just majestic and one of my favorite covers ever! Mike Zeck rocked!

I did the same thing once with a Super Powers Firestorm toy (not mint, though) that I saw at a comics shop. I really wish I'd dropped the ten bucks on that now. I was really young when the Super Powers and Secret Wars toylines hit so I was the right age to get sucked right into that marketing frenzy from DC and Marvel!

I saw those at B&N once and was mighty tempted.