
I've been meaning to read their Guardians run forever now. I need to move it towards the top of my to-read list (I think it's all on Unlimited IIRC).

They made me sad that I gave away all of my Secret Wars and Super Powers toys during college. "I'll never want to look at these again!" Oh how wrong I was.

I dropped Aquaman after Parker left and from what I hear Bunn's arc was a disaster but I'm definitely interested in what Abnett's doing. It's likely going to be a matter of finances keeping me from picking it up monthly at this point. I have to be more frugal with my monthly buys right now.

I don't think I could narrow down my list of iconic covers that I love. Uncanny X-Men #137 would be there, though. Detective Comics #569 and #570 also spring to mind. There are so many more, it's so hard to pick just one.

I answered above in the "what are you reading this week" thread, but I'll just say I thoroughly enjoyed all three that I read (Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, and Detective). I'm on board with those until they either disappoint me or I run out of money, whichever comes first. I'm interested in a few more down the road,

I really enjoyed the issue too. It seemed epic while at the same time personal.

The Johns run on Aquaman was good, for sure, but Jeff Parker's run following Johns was even better. But I doubt as many people read it as read the Johns run.

I picked up Black Magick last weekend and can't wait to read it.

I love Fraction's and Brubaker's Iron Fist. I bet the Netflix series takes a lot of inspiration from it.

A trio of Rebirth issues: Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, and Detective Comics. I was surprised to find that I really liked all three! I'm planning on sticking with them for a while if they stay this good. I enjoyed all of the meta aspects in WW and I'm intrigued by that series telling current and flashback stories, plus

I love Joe Quinones but this book just keeps sliding off my radar. I might have to look for this one on Unlimited or in trades.

I really hope he dodges and weaves as best he can with that one.

Batman is always Batman is always Batman.

Dude looked like your tough yet kindly old grampa but Kirby was such a mad freak genius.

Nice, thanks. I'll check out those reviews. I had originally wanted to pick up King's Batman but I read a few good things about Detective online and the art and the character lineup really intrigued me, so I went with that one instead. Plus I heard Batman was a major letdown. Heard the same thing about Superman.

Hey, I finally made it to the shop today. I picked up three DC Rebirth issues: Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, and Detective. I did so with great hesitation because I'm trying to cut way back on comics purchases and also I so want DC to right their ship and I fear I'll be let down.

I so don't care about Civil War II.

I agree. I once dated a girl who was drop dead gorgeous and I can see what Fox means about being reduced to just her looks. I saw it happen with this girl, the way people just saw her as a beautiful girl, but not much more. Before I got to know her, all I knew of her was her beauty, but once we started hanging out it

Scarface and Phantom of the Paradise are so ludicrously over the top and entertaining that they merit being on the "Good" list for me. Carlito's Way is so damn good though.

Hmm, it can certainly be read that way, but in no way do I find Gilbert smokin' hot…not that there's anything wrong with that.