

I have that Epic Collection in my stack to read and I'm really looking forward to it.

It's so hard to avoid those Comixology sale impulse buys.

Darn, and here I thought not sending a death threat was something I could mark down in my journal under "Today's Accomplishments!"

Sadly, I bet you're right about that.

I pick up my single issues at my totally awesome LCS (great staff) and also the occasional back issues and trades there. I do order trades onlines (Instocktrades is pretty great). I also read digitally on my iPad so I use Marvel Unlimited and pick up sale items on Comixology.

I agree. We can realize that it's a stunt and that it will likely be walked back later because, comics! But we can also see that it's an insulting stunt. The two things are not mutually exclusive.

To me, the thing that gets lost in all of this is that certain readers and fans don't care for this direction that they took Cap in, but we're not sending death threats to Nick Spencer. We should, however, be allowed to simply express our opinions on the choice Marvel and Spencer made here. And because of all of the

Right, and Johns himself is one of the people who did all the things he spent this issue apologizing for. So, while I respect that he was open about how a lot of DC's recent output has been misguided, I'm not sure this current regime is the one to reverse that.

Yup, I agree with Oliver fully on his assessment. There was a lot to like here but also a lot to shrug at and roll one's eyes at, frankly. The entire Watchmen reveal didn't work for me and has me anxious about what it'll mean later. I just think that world should never have been integrated into the DCU proper.

"Fuck that bullshit" is my response.

I love Starlin, I've read a ton of his work over the years. His old Warlock run is one of my all-time favorites, plus I love the Infinity Gauntlet and what I've read of its sequels. So I've been dying to read these new Warlock/Thanos stories but was hoping to find them discounted deeply. I'm sure I'll love the first

Is this happening in those Starlin OGNs that Marvel's been putting out? I just ordered the first one, used, and it should arrive soon. I'm hoping to get them all at some point.

Salty as FUCK is the best kind of FUCK to be, believe me. I get just as wrapped up in certain characters - Rogue, She-Hulk, and Storm for example - and feel like Marvel's not utilizing them as well as they used to lately. Or in certain cases just totally misusing them. And it does tend to feel like they're being

I know, right?!?

But as drawn by Kelley Jones he looked like nothing else before or since, really. I loved Jones' work on Batman in that era. It's not how I want my Batman to look all the time, but for that run it was perfect.

That sound you just heard was me smacking my palm to my forehead.

So let's just talk about Batman's new costume. Thoughts? I am less than enthused, but I'm a bit of a Batman purist so until they eliminate all of the extra armor and lines I'll likely be unhappy. I kind of like the yellow outline around the black bat, but it also seems unnecessary too.

Does this mean there are now two Dazzlers on regular Marvel Earth?

Just Rebirth, in terms of new stuff. Started an Age of Apocalypse reread on Unlimited, only about three or four issues into it but it's as fun as I remember so far. Still plugging away at the big, fat Essential Marvel Horror I picked up used recently. It's the Son of Satan's 1970s series, followed by his sister