
And my thought on Kitty stand-ins would be that we do not need Kitty stand-ins because Kitty is the effing best and none of the subsequent stand-ins can hold a candle to her!

So what you're saying is keep those fantasies of Munn's "swordwork" to myself? I can do that!

I think Munn is close to 60-70% of the reason for me.


That series was such a terrific showcase for how awesome Psylocke is.

Let's hope he makes it into the inevitable reboot of the X-Men movie franchise!

Hey I dig Sinister, too. And I agree, Silvestri drew the hell out of him (as he did with most characters back then).

Except look like a Dracula cosplay gone horribly wrong?

I keep trying to look away, but I just can't. Mesmerizing.

So, as a thoughtful and sensitive X-Men fan who's grown up on these characters, is it bad of me to be drooling over Olivia Munn in her Psylocke costume? I feel kinda bad about it, but dammit if loving her is wrong I don't want to be right.

I just looked it up. That's one helluva doozy of a cover. And written by Doug Moench? I have a soft spot for his Batman and Moon Knight work. Let us know how this is, if you ever crack it open.

Yeah if I ever end up reviewing the Hanley books I'll try to let you know.

There was an all-time great pre-Crisis Earth-2 story (I want to say in Brave and the Bold) where Bruce and Selina end up together and it still gets me every time I read it. Such a terrific one and done story.

"Purple Balent Boobs" heh heh.

True story: I found a dozen or more issues of Balent's Catwoman in a back issue bin sale a few years ago. I could have had them all for maybe 10 bucks but I just couldn't get myself to bring them up to the counter. I reverted to my 13 year old self and practically blushed at the thought.

We can dream, right??

I snagged a few of those Comixology sale issues too, about a day or two before it was announced he was sick (which was just eerie). I picked up the first four issues of Catwoman (again, read it ages ago but don't have copies around now) and a Jonah Hex, too. I think that Hex issue (#50) is in Graphic Ink so I'll

I ordered copies of The New Frontier and Graphic Ink and they should arrive in the next week or so. I haven't read New Frontier in years and really wanted it in a collected edition after Cooke's passing. I have his Before Watchmen trade on top of the pile right now and hope to read that for the first time soon.

I've read most of the spoilers but I suppose it's best to keep it spoiler-free here.

I'm trying to cut back on single issues but I want to try out some of the Rebirth titles also, so that might stop me from keeping up with Future Quest at this time. I liked the first issue, but I really like Parker and Shaner working together (or separately, for that matter).