
With the movie coming out soon, I made the decision to begin rereading Age of Apocalypse, which I haven't read since it came out. I'm only a few issues in so far and hoooo boy it's even more '90s than I remembered! Not sure I'll complete this mission, but I do want to do a full reread of it. Batshit crazy X-Men events

I want to read Lepore's book also. I finished Tim Hanley's book on Wonder Woman recently - I got a review copy from the publisher with the intent of reviewing it for a site I write for but I'm now starting his new book on Lois Lane (also got a review copy) and might just write about them both together. Not sure yet.

I love Catwoman but haven't read her book in ages. How was that brief run where she ran a crime family? I heard rave reviews of it so I'm interested.

That sums it up pretty well for his movies, actually.

Might I suggest Abel Ferrera's King of New York for this series as well?

This looks great! Having fun is important, so as long as you do that I think you'll be doing well!

Does that Avengers vs. Thanos trade have Avengers Annual #7 and Marvel Two-In-One Annual #2? Those issues, IIRC, were the end of Jim Starlin's Warlock story back in the day and featured Thanos heavily. If you haven't read Starlin's '70s Warlock work (which again features Thanos prominently), I highly recommend it.

Do you know what he's up to now? I don't think he's on any upcoming DC books but I might have missed it.

Diana turns out to be named for Steve Trevor's mom

I wish that at least a few of these projects were something other than an origin story. That said, it's really great seeing Wondy get so much attention lately and from a great group of creators.

Absolutely loved those Steve Rude pages. And I need to pick up his World's Finest someday.

Can you repost a link to your webcomic? I meant to check it out before (at least I recall you sharing a link before, I think?).

Pelletier doesn't get enough love around comics fandom either. He's so good and you're right he was on fire with Aquaman. I read Dwayne McDuffie's Fantastic Four run a few months ago and Pelletier's art on that was outasite.

How is the Perez run? It's on my list to read one day.

Micronauts #2 is out? How did I miss that at the shop this Wednesday when I picked up #1? Grrrrr. Of course, I still have to read #1 so this gives me time to see if I want to pick up #2.

My dream book right now, or at least of them, would be a Parker and Shaner Justice League book. Let Parker write all those heroes while Shaner goes nuts drawing them. I'd actually prefer if it was outside continuity too. My idea was for a digital first series that would be set during the JLA Satellite era. I think

I have an old Denver Broncos hat and adore it in the same way. Those classic logos were so good. I also have a Milwaukee Brewers hat with the old "M" + "B" + glove + baseball logo. Another good one.

These are crazy times we live in, no?

That always annoyed me. It seemed so under the radar and to me it was such a treat to read it every month.

I've designed a couple of logos in my career, certainly nothing I've done full-time but I do a lot of design work in my job and am an artist, etc., and I can't agree with you more on that "middle management" comment.