
Connery has been a bit wary of fantasy ever since he dressed up in a big red nappy.

S'all good. I may take the opposite view to yours but I certainly admire the biting wit you used to state it! It's always interesting to get a counter opinion on comedy as it forces me to think about why I like the stuff I like. So your comment still holds value for me, just like Green Wing :-)

It's fine, taste being subjective and all that. Personally, ever since I stumbled across The Goon Show I've fallen in love with surreal comedy, but I've also seen how alienating that style can be. No need to defend Scrubs since I'm not really criticising it - I'll certainly watch it if it's on. I just think Green Wing

Gomez is great at giving a heightened comedic performance that is distanced from reality (see the surreal comedy Green Wing for reference. Think Scrubs, but better). The problem with taking that style and plonking it in Doctor Who is that the tone of the show is vastly different and so the fault lies with both

GQ is for wankers and doesn't represent the average Brits view of Louis CK. I like the chap. Also, many of us are aware that we have shittily done mainstream comedy that is watched by large swathes of the population, just like any other country. So you are right to be suspicious of UK comedy snobs claiming cultural

I love this show. Speaking as a Brit, I find Review sits nicely alongside the best that UK sitcoms have to offer. The bleakness is exquisite.

Evil Laurel I can cope with. KC actually seems to be enjoying playing her and it shows in the performance, which is miles better than her goody two-shoes Laurel. Keep her at least mildly evil and I'm in.

At a senatorial voting record level there's Iraq. I'd suggest the bloody, state-backed coup of Honduras falls somewhat short of successful mediation as many a pesky human rights activist will tell you:

Well, I don't really think it's necessary to adhere to all a parties traditions to run as a candidate, so I'm not really that fussed about classifying someone as a 'real' Democrat or not. The Repubs seem to have been flexible on that issue themselves when it comes to their own party.

Nah, that's been done to death. everyone has their own truth on that issue now.

Granted, I certainly don't think that case of affairs is preferable. But I would argue that if the DNC had selected another candidate with a slightly less dubious record, we wouldn't all be reaping the inexperienced whirlwind that is Trump.

I don't disagree that Comey had an impact, but the reason people were so easily able to buy into Hillary being unsound and untrustworthy is that her track record shows that to be the case.

Occupying one Governmental role doesn't count as a sign of competency or suitability for another. I'm rather more concerned about what a presidential candidate did when they were in those roles and on that basis I'd say this 'experience' was more of a weakness than a strength for Hillary.

Will you be part of the death squads then?

I think it did, just on a smaller scale and without the online or financial elements.

Would upvote till the end of time if I could.

Interesting! I remember reading that Kojima had a similar idea for an MMO zombie game where if you die, you get turned into a zombie and have to keep paying the subscription fee.The only way to get out of it is to come in as another character and kill your old zombie-self.

I remember my friend getting the first one on DVD and immediately inviting me round to watch it, saying that this could actually be a good take on the series. It's just sinking in how long ago that was :(

I just feel old now.

Much obliged.