
Who is this man and why is the AV club foisting him upon us?

Excellent commenter name/comment synergy of creepyness.

I do find it a bummer when people distort the truth and engage in hyperbolic outrage.

*Does Gregg Wallace from Masterchef voice* "Outrage culture doesn't get tougher than this!"

I'm guessing wry indifference.

As do we all Cirion, as do we all.

I was worried about what opinion I should hold on this matter, so I went and checked twitter…

I think he's right about the blame being spread out. I believe the presentation of Hillary as the 'most qualified candidate' and someone who is ethically beyond question is what doomed her campaign. A lot of people who follow politics and are aware of HC's political manoeuverings were prepared to hold their noses and

It's rather difficult to parse your thought process so I apologise for the delay. "Misty took a more complicated route, but she has the same feelings for Luke that Claire does."

"There's an implication that social justice activists are easily mislead by corrupt leaders with selfish goals" I mean, that's not necessarily untrue in all cases *runs for cover*

That's an interesting pov, but I wasn't specifically addressing the Luke/Claire relationship.

You nailed it. When I first saw the character I was like 'Ohhh nooo' but he really grew on me as the season progressed. Theo does really, really, really, really good work with flimsy material.

I'd agree that this certainly can be the case. I'd disagree that LC (the show) makes that error.

From a rational, scientific perspective I completely agree. It made no sense. However, as a metaphor for how that personality type operates, it was pretty spot on IMO.

Those two terms are not interchangeable.

I couldn't make it past the first three episodes but I'm glad to hear that's the case.

Erm, that Ringer article was kinda wonky. It got a ton of stuff wrong about the show. Luke is from Georgia. He isn't a Harlem native as the article claims. Cottonmouth doesn't sell drugs and makes a big point of not doing so - something the article gets p!ain wrong. It also seems to be written in a passive-aggressive

I honestly thought that was the way they were going with Shades and that there would be a big reveal but… Nope. Nothing. Bit of a waste if you ask me.

The tone of the conversation was set by Misty and Luke responded in kind. Both parties seemed secure enough in themselves to take the jibes in the good-natured way they were intended. The scene did feel a bit cliché for me though. The spinster line holds a particular significance for Mariah given the matriarch role
