
'Tis slang hunneybunny. Thank you for answering the question in your own way :-)

Are you a fully grown now?

The phrase "Florentine dog-wanker" has made me indecently happy this evening. Thank you for that.


Coriolanus is worth a look.

I went back and watched LA again and what stands out is not only how bad the CGI is (even by the standards of the time), but just how poorly integrated it is with the other visual tricks. It felt like Carpenter was being dragged in a direction he didn't want to go, and he grudgingly acquiesced. That doesn't excuse the

Thanks, I'll give it a look :-)

I like the first GotG for the sense of urgency, humour and theme of surrogate families. The Avengers for how it deftly juggles multiple heroes and gives most of them character driven moments during the climax. I like the original Jurassic Park and Superman because of how they both evoke the sense of wonder. I think

*Shrugs* I wasnt as upset at the ending but I do get what you mean. Overall I liked the film and enjoyed the experience. Ho Hum.

Honest is good! I'm curious: What would your favourite popular-on-a-mass-scale movie be? Is there something you can hold up as an ideal to work towards?

The consensus seems to be that people found it refreshing. I agree that some may have been overly effusive in their praise, but would you prefer the film filleted of all the quirks?

Brie gets to play an interesting character with a messy bundle of conflicting drives. The supporting parts feel rather underwritten and the show occasionally coasts on the charm of it's leads, but overall it's an enjoyable watch with solid chemistry between the core cast and some funny/touching moments.Perfect binge

"Tough as a two dollar steak."

I don't care where your political affiliations lie, I think we can all agree on one thing:

Shattered also points out how Hillary started a hunt for traitors in her campaign after her loss to Obama. HRC could only comprehend her loss by blaming it on the sabotage of others, which seems to suggest a lack of introspection and an inability to grow as a human being. The fact that this manifested itself by

David Bowie
The Who
Jimi Hendrix
Taj Mahal

It was an opportunity to learn for all parties involved. People can be open to the concerns of BLM and also be annoyed at the actions of two protestors (who ultimately spoke only for themselves ) interrupting a candidate they had paid to listen to. Those two positions are not mutually exclusive. Context and tactics

Am I the only one excited about Dianne at Girlcroosh? I think this storyline has the potential to produce some biting satire.

No worries, sometimes it can be beneficial to the discourse when we kick back against popular opinion, whatever the reason. It forces people to examine why we hold the views we do.