
Crazy .. This was one of my favorites episodes also . Besides hilarious, it was very interesting regarding plot and what could happen, felt anxiety at one point.

I read some tv critic saying something like : Archie was difficult to work with and that when she won her Emmy success went to her head. But also that Julianna got jealous and that she took advantage of her role as a producer to put Archie on the side and diminish her role.
In the end who knows.

I swear I was just thinking about that: lack of continuity. Specially with that freaking card that Kalinda broke. When that happened I thought to myself: this is going to get good!!! And then
. Kalinda started fuckin babysitting for Bishop.
And yes to the Lana plot as well, I read an interview where the Kings claimed


I agree, the sad/ unfair thing is that a lot of people are disliking this season a lot when it actually went off the rails on ep 12?13? But yeah this was a big step in the right direction.

Shared blame I say. Though I doubt is 50/50

Loved this episode, and for a change I agreed with the recap lol.
The Kings are great with flashbacks (A few words being my favorite ep ever), this one comes close.
Lots of great scenes: Alicia and Cary, Alicia arguing with Matan, Jackie and Zach
MVP the editing.
By the way people who claim they were offended by the

Buffled by the grade.

This was my favorite episode of the season. So I agree a B+ plus seems kinda wrong here. Loveeee Selina saying "these beautiful people" and then we get a shot of Leo's mother looking like an Alice Coopers lookalike


Ok I just had it . I know I shouldn't get all ramped up about grades . But this is enough. Besides is more than that. Sopranos and breaking bad had great fair recappers that made coming to this site and share comments a joy. Now I'm not saying the good wife is as brilliant as those other 2 shows. But it holds a

I'm very new at this ( just binge watched season 6 last weekend and planning to do the previous seasons later , have been told 4 is the best one ?) and yes, I really don't see any standouts like Bianca and Adore last season (Courtney act was so MEH by the way ) but maybe that's a good thing ? At least less predictable

I just knew the recapper would trash the episode just by looking at her twitter account whining about Cary "hating" Alicia. She really needs to stop recapping the good wife. I mean this was easily A-. Why?the firm plus the political plot melted in such a great way.. For me the best episode since the one where Alicia

I really wonder why you watch Girls. It's not like I care, i just find silly how determined you are to bash the show. To feel that it's beneath your taste for good tv?very cool…
And btw Caroline's pregnancy came up in more than one previous episode and regarding Hannah what's wrong with second chances ? Yes, Hannah is

For all the shit that you all give her. You just can't deny that Lena Dunham can act her ass off. Such a heartbreaking scene, and the fact that was between the new baby born made it more powerful.. The end of a life , the death of a relationship . I know A LOT of you hate watch girls but I kinda loved this season .

Just gonna say this: Adam had every right but dude in less than a month ? That's just fucking cold.

I don't know .. Finn seems a bit vanilla to me ( he obviously would be my pick, he does seem obedient). And Will , I don't know , kinky but wouldn't wanna see him afterwards. On the other hand I would cuddle the shit out of Finn. But peter seems so dirty , you ll regret it in the morning but those two orgasms were

Serious question : who do you think is better at sex ? Peter, Finn or Will's ghost ?i hate myself for thinking it's Peter , there's something animalistic about him

Agreed!!! And it was more powerful and heartbreaking because at first you could see Cary smiling , thinking to himself that he finally caught a break , then enters Bishop and everything falls apart and you could see that in his face.

That scene was amazing . The good wife writers tweeted that Bishop was so into the scene that he said : who the FUCK .. They had to insert "hell" instead .