
+++++1 LMAO

A++++ .At first I started getting tense, then I laughed, I got worried, started to scream at the tv, almost peed my pants, then applauded and finally cried(Claire Daines ugly cry).
Besides watching my sex video I don't think any other show on tv can do that .
Instead of focussing on the best scenes (Emmy for Cary!!-n

Cary's sad puppy face kills me. Bishop's smile and tailored suits kill me. That scene with those two made me feel terrified , sad and horny at the same time .

I was too tired to write a detailed comment about how I love this show and how this episode along with oppo research are now in my all time top 20. ( this was a grade A ep for me ) But I needed to say the following : Julianna Margulies is the best actress in tv right now. The scene where she had to be a bad actress so

Is it wrong that I started thinking about what kind of sexts those two would have?. I mean. THE THIRST IS REAL.

A- for me. Back on track.. Right now I'm starting to fear that one of the two arcs is going to destroy me by having a horrible conclusion ( either it'd be Alicia losing or Cary ending up being somebody's bitch)
Mr. Hyde Pierce was deliciously witty tonight . Can't wait for a debate between them plus Castro ? INSANITY

I agree with that. I mean I love Alicia and one of my favorite episodes of the series is "a few words" (an Alicia-centric ep) BUT I would loveeee a Dianne(outside the bubble?grade A ep) or Eli centric episode(last week the closest ?grade:A too) coincidence I think not.. at the least so they both can submit it and win

I'm pretty sure that if TGW pulled a Shameless and submit itself as a comedy it would win the Emmy. Deservedly.

Excellent points ? They were the opposite of that. And please bringing DH Bree's drinking problem ? She was a fucking housewife! Her only deadline was baking muffins! Alicia is running a firm and doing it flawlessly even if drunk.

I believe bjssp answered all your terrible remarks but since you asked charmingly gonna answer anyway:
It's not that I don't like sharing my alcohol, it's just that I don't see any problem drinking it on my own, and "secretly"? Come on, wrong choice of words, it's just that your views are a bit dated?wrong? that's

" I have trouble understanding people who suck down a bottle of red on their own.Alcohol is a social beverage not one that you mainline more or less secretly on your own."

Owen. That's all.

You are clueless.

You're entitled to your opinion no matter how wrong you are.

This episode is emmy-submission material….those flashbacks were perfectly executed and they layered the story.
Besides that they even found a great way to use Grace, that sex scene will haunt my most perverted dreams, those Gloria S. hallucinations made me lol and I gasped when that lil mr clean biotch said Will's

He will rescue Cary , my heart knows it

"People think u are important enough to bribe!" -Eli; you know one reason I love this show so much: how well-defined the characters are- dialogue reveals personality. It's just a joy to watch them do their thing, such a Great ( grade A) episode.
Oh and When Diane says "Goodbye" I could see a movie in front of my eyes.

I'm sorry but this was not a A- premiere . Maybe a B, and that's because of the "I'm the one you ride"line.

Sometimes I felt like I was watching a movie .. A great one . That's all I'm gonna say .

I'm really hoping for a Hillary cameo in the last episode of this wonderful show. By the way Donna Brazile was awesome, very natural and sassy !