
Will Hulk turn into a planet?

It's a small step for us, but a giant step for stopping the white genocide.

The same does apply to Ant-Guy.

Now there is video content about Kanye West deleting tweets on the AV Club.


Mexican Food. It's the best! He loves it!

We all do. Or not.

Fine, how many people were excited to see Mads Mikkelsen as a villain in Doctor Strange, only to find out he was just the next generic baddie to be dispatched as an afterthought at the end of the movie?

Too many question marks.

You said history gets affected by both, I said while this is true, they are absolutely not on an equal level. Also I get paid for the Clinton Foundation by words.

Talk about polarizing opinions.

I hope the next chapter takes place in Japan where Wick massacres at least 300 Yakuza's.

Because then the only reason to cast those people is marketing gags, because those roles could be played by anyone.

But that's what I mean, why do you think they cast Freeman to play a lackey bureaucrat with so few minutes on screen? Because his name has a draw and surely there were some people before this who thought "Awesome, Martin Freeman is in this". Seeing a big name getting cast for a Marvel movie means nothing for me at

It not unnecessary if people expect good movies and engaging characters just because excellent actors were hired.

I thought Affleck was good, better than Bale, but that's about it.

"Here in the real world, history is affected both by the cumulative
actions and beliefs of numerous individually insigificant persons as
well as the singular decisions of powerful people."

You disagree with me on the fact that Marvel likes to cast big-name actors to stuck them in parts where they are barely getting anything to do?

But the kind of trivia you listed is exactly that: irrelevant. It may be entertaining to know, but it's otherwise useless.

This guy looks like Healy from Orange is the New Black.