
Sookie Stackhouse?

Lazy Trump joke

John Wick 3: Assignment Miami Beach

Yes, and as you see, DeVos got confirmed either way. The Democrats have no power and the Reps Do.Not.Care.

I meant the Republicans.

Imagine everyone knows everything about everyone, and nobody cares.

What results? The spineless assholes in congress can't even manage to block Betsy DeVoss. They haven't backed down from a single thing. They are one step away from straight-up ignoring court orders.

Should have thought about that before demonizing everyone who argued that maybe the system sucks on a fundamental level as evil sexist Bernie or Buster.

I just farted.

This sounds like a super villain plan.

This can't end well.

"Oh no, someone is in my system! Shut it down!"

O'Bummer was also Irish? Is there no end to this endless abyss of villainy?

Agent It was me Sky, it was me all along

I was completely confused about who the hell this guy is when he suddenly spoke.

I know nothing about this show, but immediately jumping forward three years in time? Ugh. This seems like a lazy cop-out, and most of the time, it's a bad sign for the future of the show.

As should Luke Cage. And Frontier.

He was appointed to Secretary of Suck by the Trump administration.

Is Caitlin still not evil?

So, I had two weird dreams the last two nights.