
Yeah, can't wait to see how they use those awesome actors after seeing how well they used performers like Christopher Eccleston, Mickey Rourke, Natalie Portman, Guy Pearce, Glenn Close, Corey Stoll, Mads Mikkelsen, James Spader, Martin Freeman or Paul Bettany!

More like Analheim, he he he

I'm not surprised, it's just tiresome. It's not more interesting or relevant than what kind of meals Jedi-Knight Umka Lumpa had during his mission on the planet Waaikataukitarataiitan,

You guys have way too many goddamn useless trivia about your presidents.

He was even more cool when he got those drone missiles surfed right in the fucking living room!

I hope this guy dies a horrible death.

It was a planet.

I will be annoyed if this season still ends with Stan being completely oblivious to his neighbors being Russian spies. They dragged this out long enough.

You are right, this Newswire doesn't contain a single piece of new information.

Well, AoS went to another planet already, too.

Those people don't need to have conscious motives to being influenced by and playing into sexism, racism and islamophobia. You are not understanding the long-standing and justified criticism of shows like "24" and "Homeland". It is set in the real world and handling real issues, in an almost always stupid and

Who is President now, anyway? Heller's VP?

If it's not the Muslim woman, it's the Latino guy!

Maybe this season it turns out to be a plot by nefarious Icelanders.

I forgot about that. Wilson was somehow behind the murders of Palmer and Michelle Dessler, so Tony wanted to kill him and went undercover and also bonkers. I think he was supposed to be the head of the cabal that also Jacks family was part of and also Jon Voight from Season 7 and who controlled Logan, or something?

And? Hatred and mistrust of government and politicians and fear or minorities and foreigners prevent "24". And all seasons after the first were made after 9/11.

The actor playing the Dad is obviously someone hired for more than playing Helpful Dad and looks exactly like the kind of guy who will turn out to be a bad guy. So, yes.

Now I want episode four being about Corey Hawkins being trapped in the school while an army of radicalized grizzlies attacks.

You realize it's still playing into the basic fears of your usual trump lunatic, yes? Every time Americans were the bad guys, they were corrupt government officials or shadowy cabals from the military-industrial-complex, and the usual Trumpster hates the government and the "swamp" almost as much as Muslims and

The guy ultimately behind everything in Season 5, 6 and 7 was randomly introduced late in Season 7, some guy called Alan Wilson. It was stupid as hell.