Trix are for Kids Say the Darn



Not mentioned at all. They're non-existent in the show. To introduce them now would actually be worse than continuing to ignore them.

Nah, fucking Abraham Lincoln creates a lot of dry, raspy, dusty sounds.

I'm sure this makes sense to you, but it just seems vague and bitter to me.

It was true at least as far back as 2008. As a New Englander . . . friends from elsewhere were sending me pictures of Africans wearing 19 - 0 shirts for a few years.

It stands for Aryan but liberals won't let them spell it out.

It's funny because it means he can't read!

You're so clumsy!

. . . go on.

Nine minutes of screen time, or thereabouts, for that sex scene, and I didn't understand it until I read this comment.

"The Supreme Court has ruled that the educational benefits that flow from having a diverse student body can justify using race as one factor among many in a “holistic” evaluation, while rejecting blunt racial quotas or race-based point systems. But what that permits in actual practice by universities — public ones as

Yeah, I know all about this one. And I was under the impression, false or not, that she had very little chance of success even if she had been fully qualified, because Affirmative Action isn't as strong as it was when implemented. And there's nothing left to sue for.

Hasn't this already been attempted, and the law essentially gutted so that there's no chance such a suit could have any merit?

I'm glad I lived to see "space racist" used in a sentence.

The movies are sequels to the books, not adaptations. So no part. Some situations or characters will be familiar, because of the nature of the ending of the books. But that's it.

I thought he seemed familiar.

I agree. I just can't miss an opportunity to take a shot at The Outback.


An ex of mine was waiting tables when the entire Blues Traveler band and assorted assistants and roadies walked in. Ran up a bill over $200 and didn't tip.