Trix are for Kids Say the Darn

Oh I definitely agree. The book isn't perfect. And part of that is intentional obfuscation: the first thing I noticed when reading years ago is that there is no calendar system. I don't even think the days of the week are named.

The show and the book have different problems with time. The book has the problem that it is a rather simple, if slightly obsessive, matter to track the amount of time that passes. Travel times are explained, the passage of days are noted. Etc. GRRM claims he had planned to skip ahead in time, but that he as he was

That's a fair way to look at it. But I saw that scene as reasonable at the time, so I have to see the scene with John as unreasonable. I saw it as the natural development from her experiences ruling: that working together leads to less violence in the long run, that she has to give to get.

And yet she had no problem giving Yara a throne with absolutely no knowledge of her character except that she thinks looting and raping are okay and promises they'll stop now. While being told Yara's brother is a useless, lying traitor.

I wouldn't be surprised if he gets a lot more familiar with that tree, either, while waiting.

I agree. Despite being very aware of her father's crimes these days, and assuming Tyrion SHOULD have made her aware of everything his family has just been through, that scene felt terribly contrived. Characters acting for plot reasons instead of character and logic driven. I expected her to be more reasonable.

I'm worried the answer to that last one will be "because telling everybody everything is too reasonable and less dramatic"

Kept expecting Olenna to echo that line actually. Suppose it might have seemed too neat if she did.

Upvoted for Melly Sanders

Not in public. Not yet at least.

I don't think Trump is capable of letting one subordinate have that much power.

I'd bet that it will. That episode was a rather unique television phenomenon for all types of reasons.

Well they're setting them for DB & DBW's irrational deconstruction of GRRM, eh? Eh? Eh?

If reading six small articles in one week prevents you from reading anything else, the problem is you, not the A.V. Club.

If I could upvote an infinite amount of times I would.

Hey, while you guys have access to an odds maker, how about starting a pool on who the next Trumper to resign will be?

The whole idea that the bastard of a minor house is now Princess because she used to bang the Prince's brother then killed him is pretty much the weakest part of the incredibly weak Dorne plot.

My first thought was that would be an unreasonable turnaround, but it's not like the show gives a damn about travel times very often.

Maybe the "Cersei returns a gift" means that she uses Tyene as a hostage to make Ellaria raise the Dornish armies and fight for her. Not that such should make sense, but the odds are still against Cersei and the show needs some drama and I wouldn't put it past them. And she'd kill Tyene anyway.

Tormund's odds went way up. 2:1 to 25:1.