Trix are for Kids Say the Darn

I didn't really have a problem with Kinja, though it's far from ideal. But just reading over the kinja preview and seeing Laura and Ernie make fun of ideas from people who have kept this website alive for years because Kinja can't do everything and they don't care?

The CEO of Tits?

I bet the Grey Worm and Missandei sex scene is in the books and takes up at least two chapters.

Eclipses are just out for media attention. If we deny it to them, they'll stop happening.

waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka waka

He ain't never tasted dragon before.

I've never felt his base got him elected. I've always felt centrists who were willing to side with his base for a variety of reasons got him elected. I'm sure they sleep well at night despite getting conned. But I doubt they're still pleased with their choice.

I would have expected 100% digital.

In my district, our labs all have a program at main desk that lets us see the screen of every computer in the room. It even lets us take over the computer, which sometimes I do and start typing into the address bar about how they need to get back to work or the system will self-destruct. Which doesn't really fool

I never said that. Neither did the intense press coverage. The statements from politicians.

Benjamin Brafman (Shkreli’s lawyer) seems to have confused Juror no. 52 with the judicial branch of the government. I'd think that an uncommon mix-up for lawyers.

If my experience in schools is any indication, a good majority of the views come from kids with free time in computer or writing labs who'd rather be playing video games at home but will watch them if that's their only choice.

You're supposed to ask one which one the other heart would say has hate in its heart. Then no matter which one it says, it's the opposite that isn't hateful.

I've always thought he was just kind of a naive idiot manchild when his original anti-Semitic fuck up happened. This kind of reinforces it.

I'm not sure what I want is more character development. But making characters' motivations and beliefs fit with their actions would be nice. And if they're going remove all signs of travel, they could at least imply that conversations happened during these long journeys. But even that seems beyond them.

I've gotten a little fed up with the plot driven action of the last few seasons rather than the carefully constructed character driven action of the past.

Stop not rubbing it in.

Never mind then!

Bah, this one is actually a quality rip, making watching the leak tempting. But I was enjoying getting my butt kicked in the deathpool and wouldn't feel right about cheating to win.

Yeah, I remember how Scalise got shot because hundreds of people that believed he was subhuman descended on his town and he tried to stand up to them. Then I remember the President condemning Scalise as being part of groups that were equally responsible for his shooting while claiming Scalise's family said he was