Trix are for Kids Say the Darn

It clashed with the new tile.

I was under the impression they needed to go back to their armies.

Also my local cinema has had the poop emoji hanging from the ceiling of their kitchen since this movie started promoting, reinforcing my plan to never get food from their kitchen, no matter how much they make it look like real food.

I don't usually take joy in the failure of others, but I'm particularly happy that this isn't a good movie. It just seems like if someone could make a good movie from this premise, there might be no hope for humanity.

I'm really not feeling very embarrassed, just a little sorry for you. I may have offhand mentioned that I get your point, but you seem to have missed mine:

Oh commenters? Well fuck them. I mean fuck us?

I really don't understand this. There's nothing negative about Fallon in this article, and they don't even snark that someone else must have hired the lady.

You are all over this article freaking the fuck out about how some people feel about genealogy. Not just this thread, but several below, for an extensive period of time.

"if that's what they want, cool"

Dark. But fair. Upvoted.

Okay. But the question was whether Dennis ever called him father.

Unlike the streaming services, they don't get feedback about what subscribers like, just data on whether they gain or lose subscribers. Nielsen ratings are the only way they can figure out how to better serve subscribers, or at least, the most convenient way, at least in the early decade or two of its existence.

My textbook French is rusty, but I was listening for relationship words and didn't hear any. This week, he told Cassidy not to talk to him like he's a child, after the shoe tying, but that's the only time I can recall hearing any of the father/son type words that I would recognize.

Exactly. They're not trying to measure how many people are watching the show, they're trying to measure how many people might be watching the advertising, and they're used to set prices accordingly.

It does seem to have a more practical shape.

I wish I were that lucky!

I think some of the movies plots depend on emotional characteristics of Iron Man established in his own movies, and despite that most people were aware of those movies, there's a tendency to isolate and view Tony Stark's motivations as not justified by the film.

Fred Savage = Iron Man
The Wizard = Hulk

It started being referred to as Avengers 4 when they said that it wouldn't be called Infinity War Part 2 but also said there wasn't an official name yet.

One thing that adds a bit of plausibility to the dynastic decline are the events prior to the beginning of the story, the Mad King's executions followed by Robert's Rebellion. At least in the books, the Houses with the least potential, direct heirs are all Houses that suffered many losses in the past.