Trix are for Kids Say the Darn

I can see how it happens, why people get angry at these girls, kind of sort of. The whole situation makes me angry, but the fact that he's, possibly, at least as far as police can see from the outside, not doing anything illegal makes me feel sad. Impotent might be a good word too.

Baked beans.

Maybe. But it felt more like info dumps and summaries, just a lever to move the plot. The easiest sin of bad writing.

I hope later scenes back that up. But it felt to me that he was just summarizing and advancing the plot.

In the preview for next week. At least that's the only time I spotted them.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who saw a Carmen Sandiego game map.

Jamie's dialogue felt forced, unnatural, and out of step with the character's arc up to this point.

I suppose they can have their cake and eat it too. Have the visual of the abandoned castle, but then next week have them ferret out a bunch of people who shat themselves then hid in the dungeons after they saw the dragons.

Kind of. I was expecting people. I know Stannis left and brought his family and his soldiers. And I suppose everyone else either fled or went along as camp followers.

You can take him at his word. I didn't say he was lying. I just said I think it's without meaning. I pointed out two examples: a creator who changed his mind, and a creator who gave power of attorney to someone else who took advantage. Then I mentioned that such instructions are wishy washy for estates — by which I

Sure. And we were never going to get sequels to Star Wars. Never going to get the sequel to To Kill a Mockingbird, etc. etc. etc.

It's really not that straightforward. The time between publication has increased, but before he even showed the material to an agent, he'd written material that would appear across all of the first three books. And he'd been at it for several years already. Writing was not happening in a linear fashion, so simply

In that case, I'd still feel pretty confident that someone else will finish the series. Probably the half of the writing team that created The Expanse who keeps his notes and tracks dates and events for him.

Longer waits have certainly occurred in the world of genre fiction and ended just fine. Just ask any Dark Tower fan.

Not a fan of baked beans?

Cersei is the most Trump-like figure. Right down to the incest.

If he is, I imagine he may only be vulnerable to obsidian and Valyrian steel like the White Walkers.

I hope someone is making a script for this spin-off idea.

I've seen Jupiter Ascending, but I can't remember much about it. Which is worse than bad.

Jamie and Bronn arrived in time to see her crowned.