Trix are for Kids Say the Darn

I mean, what actual effect could it possibly have besides making it a lot harder to unlock the door? I don't even think that's a thing. I mean, not even a television/movie trope thing. I've never seen it before at least. It's stupid.

This episode was the end of the line for me. Am I wrong that they opened the locked car door by . . . shooting the lock? I mean, when the car was locked, I thought, Oh the writers want them to be exposed to the Mist so they're going to have to break the window. When the kid offered the gun, I thought she would use it

It could equally suggest the showrunners decided to greatly simplify the plots remaining and eliminate any complexity and nuance in favor of giant set pieces that remove more characters and continue to simplify things. I like the show and all, but it has nowhere near the complexity of the books. And that doesn't

I had to google that, so clearly that's not where my expectations are. I thought you meant a Game of Thrones character.

Similar logic:

I feel bad for people who can only take joy from novelty. And I say that after finishing ASoIaF for the third time, the trilogy of the rings for the 67 millionth time, and Alistair Reynold's books for the second time since summer started.

Then you're not communicating very well. And that goes on you and not the person who attempted to understand.

I think there's a lot more value in works in which the audience can figure it out before the final reveal. Mostly because they lend themselves to repeat viewing. Even the Sixth Sense lends itself to at least one extra view, just to note the clues missed the first time through.

Make them give you the magic headband.

Huh, all I've got is the same thing I posted on the Shia LaBeouf story:

Kids, don't do drugs. And stay in school.

I live in NH and I approve this message.

Or he's just aware of reality. You see, they have DIFFERENT issues, so saying they're exactly the same does not fit the facts and does not make the best choice no choice at all.

That wouldn't necessarily change anything. We could have 82 parties, and each of their primaries would still be about parties, not people. That's what the conversation was.

That's actually not true. The primaries are not constitutional elections. They follow the internal rules of the party. And in some states, people don't even vote, they raise hands in tents.

The unification of Marvel, Star Wars, and Disney cinematic universes will happen, and you will give them money.

Your inability to separate "what the show appears to be communicating" from "what the reviewer personally believes and thinks everyone else should believe" is kind of embarrassing. You should actually feel bad.

Is this the five o'clock free smack giveaway?

Who's on stage? Yes. Yes is on stage? No Who. The Band on stage?