Trix are for Kids Say the Darn

I should probably get a new doctor.

I interpreted them to mean Emilia Clarke is going to marry me. My doctor isn't convinced, however.

Paul Ryan once claimed his favorite band is Rage Against the Machine.

Fuck it, we'll do it live.

I hope they do. I think the challenge is that Netflix really hasn't funded much, if anything, to this point because of the kickstarter. So while it's cheap, it will be the first time they pay for it — they have to create a budget rather than renew one.

The boobs are for impact absorption.

Good ol' Donny Two Scoops

Oh that's an easy one. The exact same people would get angry. Because no one thinks the NRA has a secret agenda to destroy America and other leftists. So the only people that would freak out would be authoritarian nuts, the exact same ones as yesterday.

There's one full paragraph. One. And most of it is a discussion of how it affects our understanding of Eugene.

Yes, reporting on only a portion of a television show is truly a tragic side effect of capitalism that must be stopped.

Lazy? Or convenient and economical?

And it's coming back in style.

And I heard JJ Abrams has, like, thirty god damn dicks.

I heard Rian Johnson pooped on a picture of JJ Abrams to kick off production.

This made me feel old. Except O'Neal. Well, even O'Neal, because I was older than 19.

I'd like to see a gritty movie about that time I got caught stealing cheese at an Albertsons when I was a teenager and stoned.

I watched this while working out. And the episode ended without me ever taking a rest off the bike at the thirty minute mark.

or 1/3 the reported instances of just the members of the right who identify as ethno-nationalists and separatists.

Oh snap. I jumped the dog whistle game. Shows how much attention I'm paying to you. Yeah, you're right. What other groups are emigrating in large numbers to Europe that you believe are having trouble assimilating? Because yep, you're right, you didn't say Muslim, just used the generally accepted Breitbart based dog

Huh, well now you just seem like a troll. Congratulations? You went from appearing to be unstable, middle aged liar to a bored teenager.