Trix are for Kids Say the Darn

Watch how you say that when visiting Salem.

I have a modest proposal I'd like you to consider.

Are we being trolled? At the end of the Presidency, are we going to find out the whole thing was planned by Andy Kaufman?

From what I've read (but don't know for sure), Jason is always a random selection. Theoretically, you could play for hours and never be Jason.

As your fraudulent attorney, I advise you to begin drinking heavily.

I think Yoga Hosers is an excellent example of the Bizarro genre, which is extremely underrepresented in film. Just about the only other example I can think of from recent memory is Swiss Army Man.

Yoga Hosers was completely paid for by a streaming deal with one of the more obscure services. Seeso maybe. Something like that. It streamed there for a few months before even hitting cinemas.

They're liars and fabricators (a bit redundant, but at least you only said it twice), because some guy with a radio show says really loudly that they're liars and fabricators . . . then offers to sell you iodine to protect you from nuclear war fallout despite that iodine doesn't protect from nuclear war fallout and is

I know it's probably a lie, but I hope it's the cake idea.

Peanut butter salad? I was the cheese plate.

He reposted replies from a President Skroob account. It actually was worth clicking through to Twitter. Such a rare thing for me to do.

This is actually a fascinating exchange.

I'm not sure what you mean. I have certainly met middle aged white men who cannot turn off the male gaze, whose conversations about actresses make me actively uncomfortable, whose observations about the women they date are horrid.

I frequently practice, if absent mindedly, guitar while watching tv. Take that healthiness!

So you're saying most people . . . skipped the Grim Fandango?

Is that you, Magnitude?

But why though?

This was my exact experience.

I didn't feel personally addressed by the jokes. But I didn't find them very funny. And the point to me, was not that PC is bad or silly, but that undergrads aren't really that much older than kids and some will say stupid shit or get confused by what they are learning, over applying it.