Trix are for Kids Say the Darn

I hear you. Any other show, never mind just sci fi, and I'd be complaining that the writers moved the goal posts, from "love us" to "well just love something that's somehow related to all this"

This letter is going to be a book of revelations to many readers. In particular, many will be surprised to learn that Mr. Casual Observer should have instructed his helpers not to endow opportunism with a false legitimacy. In the text that follows, when I quote from him, I will use the word “excrement” in place of

The prerequisite to understanding this comment is to have encountered some of Mr. Casual Observer's rantings and to have realized how quarrelsome they are. For starters, if you think about it you'll see that Mr. Casual Observer's insolent pranks are merely a distraction. They're just something to generate more op-ed

"I didn't say it's okay"
"But you are saying it's OK"

It's amazing how dense you are.

I didn't say it's okay in my book. I said it does not violate the discrimination laws. It's tasteless. But not discrimination.

I'm not an academic. It's sort of odd that you think understanding logic and getting paid to help people pass the class is such a high achievement. I'm not used to such flattery.

Yeah, that's kind of what I was talking about, and I can't believe you illustrated it so well.

After that screening is over, will men be allowed in that exact theater? Oh, so it's a special event, not separate but equal. Cool.

It's tasteless, but yes it would be legal. It would only be illegal if they said they only serve whites always. Or only white people are allowed in that section always. Etc. A special event is a special event.

It's not a separate theater. It's the same theater.

Yeah, you're actually the one missing the point. People think he's dumb, not that he's an evil male monster. And he is dumb. All Alamo will do, all any business needs to do, is the following statement: "Oh, I'm sorry sir, that's a special event that's only open to female patrons. Would you like to attend another

Nothing you've said makes any sense. Alamo is selling tickets to the general public regardless of gender.

Keep typing, you're still wrong.

No, the equivalent would be if they were not willing to bake for them on a single date because of a special event that was taking up their ovens.

No my point is that hosting a special event for women only is not discrimination and that you really don't have a logical argument whatsoever. None.

Doesn't logically follow. It's not a separate theater. It's the same theater. It's not: here's the fancy one for ladies only. And here's the other one for you plebe men.

It's amusing you think he's painted into a corner. Nothing you've said makes any logical sense and your inability to differentiate between the two is a problem for you, not for anyone with different positions.

Okay. Why don't you go address that to some progressive that is policing or silencing speech, or failing that, actually advocating policing or silencing speech, or failing that, IN ANY WAY MENTIONING POLICING OR SILENCING SPEECH?

Again, nothing I've said has anything to do with proving anything under the law. Again, nothing I've said has implicated anything about institutes of higher learning or demanding penalties. I thought I made that incredibly simple and clear already.