Trix are for Kids Say the Darn

In case it wasn't simple enough: I'm belittling what you said because nothing I've said in any way implies anyone had the right to force you not to say anything. Just that, hear me out again, if someone says "saying that harms me" and your response is to channel the wisdom of Eric Cartman, then a lot of negative

That's true. But your right to say whatever you want is not a right to be shielded from the consequences. In other, really simple words, that still makes you an asshole.

Oh I guess I did encounter it then, once, in grad school. But the phrase safe space was never used. It was just the rules for my memoir writing class, so people could write honestly and not fear reprisal.

I think people are perfectly capable of reading entertainment news while still reading political news, amazingly enough. I not only do that, but I even find time to read two or three books per week on top of it.

For example, if my name is actually Anus, but that makes me uncomfortable, and I ask that you call me Ann, you don't have to remember that. I'll remind you. But if after every time I remind you, you keep calling me anus, you're just an asshole, you're not actually tolerant of others, and you're willing to harm and

I work at a high school. Many of them shut their minds before that. There are students who will literally tell us the basic facts in the book are wrong because their dad says its bullshit and prefer to fail.

Because their parents' siblings aren't beloved.

I'm 37 but went to college recently. The concepts existed but I never encountered either in reality.

I think you're confusing entertainment blogging with journalism again. Here's a hint: it doesn't make them look stupid.

Yeah, I was confused. What's the problem with the news reporting the news?

Well I'm shocked! A sexist homophobe who thinks reporters will be punished for reporting the news and you hate liberals? That's so unusual!

I lived there 20 years ago, and there were barking dogs then too! Never change Omaha, never change.

This is just too complicated. Someone give me a cup of coffee and a piece of cherry pie while I think it through.

IMDb shows that four episodes aired last night. Everything I can find says two did. With the exception of the pirates: they all seem to have got their hands on four episodes.

It's simple Bill. Let's not overthink it.

Oh yes, so mad you made fun of Bieber. I totally believe you don't remember. Really seems likely.

Oh no! You deliberately wasted a few minutes of my time. That's very clever of you. My time checking comments is very precious and now it's been used up checking comments.

All this because you feel it is dramatic to say "Without medical help I will die"

I am not angry just because I think you are a little shit. I work with high school students. Little shits don't make me angry. Annoyed, yes. Willing to respond even after three days have gone by because you suck so much? Sure, but angry? Fuck no.

Oh of course, I obsess over every little douchebag on the internet, spend my entire weekend formulating a response . . .