Trix are for Kids Say the Darn

Everything i said is literally true so it cannot be melodrama.

I need insulin to live. I can't afford it. These people celebrated taking it away.

Did you create a profile just to complain about how things were better in the good ol' days?

I both hate you and love you for this headline.

I am only three minutes into it but I'd already like to stick out my tongue and point out I was correct last week: the framing devices have been shifted around and possibly rewritten but we cannot say that one has been replaced, if that implies removed. And if they are going to start every episode with one, they will

As I said elsewhere, dismissing the writing is cool with me. I haven't seen much of that. I've seen a lot of moralizing and "betraying the character" crap that is quite obviously premature, because even without reading I think it's pretty obviously going to resolve back to status quo. And I can think of millions of

Don't get me wrong, my normal level of caring is pretty small. But people also don't want to read the same stories they've been reading for 80 years. You can find those complaints as easily when there isn't a controversial event happening.

I have not gotten that impression at all. But I'd accept those comments if I saw them.

I have an open comment history and post here regularly. A troll isn't just someone who disagrees with you. Work on defining that word.

Wait for there to actually be an ending before reading it then.

Technically they won't let me die. They'll stabilize me every few days at the ER. You know, after I pass out from high blood glucose. Over and over. And I'll lose toes, or fingers or whole feet. Just general chunks of extremities. They'll have to cut things off or I'll die. So they will. And they'll stabilize me and

Comic book stories.

Yet there are certainly a substantial number of works in which a character seems to undergo a massive personality change that later is shown to be not straightforward. Oh my god so many. And none of the criticisms I'm seeing seem to be about quality, but about the character's behavior and choices.


I work at a high school. And I make a point of quietly revealing these fears repeatedly in front of some of the little assholes who celebrate Trump. Maybe I might influence one or two.

I would prefer that as well, as this directly addresses me. I'm on medicare while underemployed (28 hours per week) and have preexisting diabetes. And my state, despite being in a mostly liberal region, is run by the Tea Party.

I am certain that if you criticize a story and cease following it because of how it is in the middle without ever seeing the end, then there's really no point in ever making new stories.

This is obviously doomed to fail in the Senate, so clearly they're still not interested in actually passing or revising the law.

Why is that stupid? You don't get to just insist it is then believe you've made a point.

I frequently see that argument from the most deplorable of Trump supporters. They think "they won" because people want to be racist pieces of shit but just pretend otherwise. And they truly believe every time someone calls them a Nazi, Trump earns another vote.