Trix are for Kids Say the Darn

To be fair, there's not a lot left of it to give a shit about.

It's not a repeat; it's a recycled segment.

My favorite Irish proverb is an Arrested Development quote.

She won't get it.

I thought about watching the AV Club on Fusion TV, but I guess you're not on tonight.

This reminds me of the whole "Don't call it Trumpcare" fit they're having.

I drink beer to boost retail sales, save those dolphins, save those whales. I drink beer for the revolution.

I'm not a fan of the character. But the reason I'm not a fan of the character is the reason some people would like the character to change. It's about as culturally aware as The Mandarin.

Pretty accurate summary of 80s music.

Reading that as anything serious that elicits concern and not as mockery of the complaint is a mistake.

"What's the opposite of Wubba lubba dub dubs, am I right ladies and gentlemen?"

I mean, what kind of name is Danette anyway? Sounds like something liberals name a baby.

Did anyone else spend the whole episode singing "Double Agent Droid" to the tune of "Secret Agent Man?"


Old cloud can't melt steel yells.

She's a national treasure and this sounds, at best, like something that I will have no interest in. And it probably won't give her a lot of opportunities to sing. And that's the real tragedy here.

Real estate right? Huge tracts of land?

I tend to agree. I also assume it's mostly the latter.

The only thing each episode makes clear to me is that I need to rewatch the whole season when it's over.

Among my bigger complaints about the books is that the only constantly present characters are the crew of the Rocinante, and they really don't get fleshed out histories or feel like they have real depth until book 5.