Trix are for Kids Say the Darn

They're actually asking for bathrooms to remain the same. If you think a trans man can use the ladies room without police being called, you're a little too caught up in thinking about men in dresses.

It's like you can't read your own posts. What else are they free to do?

Since race is a social construct and not derived from reality (though then used to dictate it), I really don't give a shit. I can understand why some do, but I don't.

A pinch of salt and laughter too

Shhhh. Let me dream.

Oh wait, forgot Supernatural. But that's like salad dressing these days. It's just there, doing it's thing. I can't really go without it. But I don't spend a lot of time thinking about it.

Nothing is wrong with ninjas. Not ever!

See! Now all I have on Thursday is Powerless. Wednesday needs to kick some of that wealth around.

I can't watch clips that lack a Franco. Violates my religious convictions.

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Too much TV on Wednesdays, I need some things moved around. Mondays and Tuesdays are more open. Weekends are pretty thin.

A boat.

This article got a couple of comments.

Not sure on the first question, but for the second, that would create continuous high winds.

Ya got me there. Fair enough.

I don't like the reviews of this show either, but cool it with the 22 year old intern bullshit. Click on an author's name and you can see their picture and find their other reviews.

Great job?

So because on a college campus somewhere there's some 18 - 22 year old upset about something, that's cultural suicide? I'm not following the connection.

But there's a roller coaster.

Yep, that was my weekend.