Trix are for Kids Say the Darn

Ezra = Snoke

Considering I had to reread it to even figure out what the hell you were talking about, it seems you care. A lot. And God forbid they talk about characteristics of actors you think they shouldn't discuss!

As long as it never explains how they eat or breathe or other science facts, I'll buy the trade paperback.

It's Derry! sounds like a sitcom.

Time Traveler!

This episode turned it around for me. It used the superhero background a little more effectively. And I laughed out loud several times.

Captain's gotta teach stuff.

The article in the NY Times he mentions was an opinion piece from Mike Doughty.

Throw in a trash dove?

He's a troll profile. 4 comments, all attacking "libruls" — Block and move on.

I'm pretty sure I remember Capt. Janeway, on more than one occasion, talking to a crew member about how she knows it's not fair that they're all stuck in their positions and ranks while they're trying to get home. Which makes sense: there's nowhere to promote anyone to.

Why does it get slammed?

I mostly dislike the music of Metallica and I mostly dislike the music of Lady Gaga but Metelligaga was excellent and a demonstration that the lady's talents are not bounded by genre and that James Hetfield is still a dink.

Yeah, I was disappointed this wasn't an Ocean's X style Grammys heist story.

I understand that current events have resurrected this article, but it is truly amusing seeing it side by side with "Has Skewering Trump Made Saturday Night Live Great Again?" on your homepage.

It's tribal thinking. For me, watching Deflategate play out was a preview of the 2016 election. What actually happened mattered a lot less than what people wanted to believe happened. The option to sneer at someone's accomplishments mattered most.

Ah okay, so you're just an ass, gotcha. Fair enough. You can find me as insufferable as you like. You'll never find me insufferable for expecting a touchdown from every drive, and that was the point.

Do you believe that three examples is significantly better than one? Continue what? Nodding to what? Are you saying both that you believe everyone who follows your team behaves identically and that the alignment of planets at the time of their birth is a more likely indicator of their behavior?

Think more clearly. You're generalizing an entire group of people based on a single example.

Your friend is insufferable. And my father does the same thing and is also insufferable, but to generalize from that to "Boston fans" is pretty absurd.