Daria Morgendorfer

That wasn't my personal opinion, I was just referring to the storyline. After he gave her the whole "you're my dream girl and I feel lucky just to be with you" and then he insisted that she didn't tell him what she tried to, which is that she had an affair, I felt like they implied that he felt inferior. I feel like

I definitely think he knows, and that he knew something was up after the accident. Why else would the 2 of them have been in his car? I'm sad for Ed. Unless they're an awful person, no one deserves to be in a shitty relationship or to feel like their partner is out of their league/too good for them.

This was lost on me, but a great observation. I know a lot of people are hating the pregnancy storyline but I've come to like it. The writers are really pushing Hannah to have to face this alone, and I think it's interesting.

Shosh is getting a raw deal and again, I have to say that I chalk that up to piss poor writing. We're spending all this time on Marnie and worst of all DESI and we don't even get a proper ending for one of the main characters of the show. I find it hard to believe that Zosia was so busy that she just randomly opted

Yeah, this is the first time I can say I really noticed it. I believe I read somewhere that she's 5'7 and her arms were shockingly thin in that pawn shop scene.

Ray is the guy Marnie goes to simply because she knows that he feels like she's too good for him and that makes her feel good. It's a shitty thing to do and she's a shitty person. I love this season but there is a lot left to be desired. So much time wasted on Desi.. and Marnie! Why give us a brilliant episode like

I'm still curious if they'll have the balls to add some darkness to the show and have her OD as quite a few commenters have said they think might happen.

It would appear that the writers defined her by her relationship with Charlie and when Chris Abbott left the show, they were thrown and never recovered. Marnie has been a barely developed character who became increasingly unlikeable and awful pretty much because they never bothered to create an actual persona for her.

I completely agree. "Panic" was one of the best episodes of the entire series, and as you said, could easily have stood alone. The fact that they had Marnie backslide, acting as if nothing ever happened when we saw such growth from her in those 30 minutes. It has felt almost like a waste of incredible writing that

Loved the episode, but yeah, Marnie's character should just disappear at this point. Was that scene not a complete crock of shit? Weakest part of the episode. Does anyone feel sorry for her at this point? The writers never should've had her go back to her bullshit after the incredible "The Panic in Central Park" only

I completely agree. I wrote in response to at least 1 other comment here that I feel like the whole looking back on their relationship storyline is lame. Anyone can think they should work it out with an ex if they look back only at the romantic and sweet parts of their relationship and leave out all the toxic, bad

I watched the episode on demand and watched the thing that comes on afterward where Lena and another writer talk about the episode and they both said that Marnie being on stage with her mother was her lowest point ever in the history of the show…. I found that to be really disgustingly shallow considering how

Yeah, I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt. A few seasons ago, I would've been agreeing that it wasn't the best idea but we've seen a lot of growth from her. People grow up and change. I think that is what we've been seeing this season.

Yeah, I'm not really into Hannah and Adam getting back together either. I mentioned in another post that almost anyone can look back on a relationship focusing mostly on the good parts and convince themselves that they should give it another try. Most of the time relationships end for good reason. Hannah and Adam

Yeah, I mean just because she has had some fucked up issues in her past doesn't mean that everyone should overlook the fact that she's terrible. Jessa knows enough to be better but can't be bothered. Her shitty dad doesn't give her a lifetime hall pass for being awful. People like that hit rock bottom when they end up

I thought the same thing after watching the episode… that Hannah and Shosh would be the best bet as to who out of this group would have anything in common anymore. The last we really saw of Shosh, we saw her telling Jessa to fuck off (which everyone needs to do at this point, honestly) and making it very clear that

Totally agree with everything you wrote. I'm not sure I really like the idea of a person reconsidering a relationship based on a romanticized view of it… we could probably all look back on at least 1 relationship and begin to think it might be a good idea to try again if we only focused on the good. Hannah and Adam

Honestly, the most realistic ending for this show would be if all of "the girls" just went their separate ways. In my experience, that's how most friendships go when we get to be in our late 20's/early 30's. These women have nothing in common anymore. Jessa and Marnie are just straight up bad people, the two of them

The entire path this show has taken with Hannah feeling such a loss and betrayal from Jessa, her "best friend" has never made any sense, at least to me. Jessa isn't really a solid friend, and she damn sure was never Hannah's best friend. She's the friend in the group who has come around here and there whenever its

I have to say, I've run hot and cold with this show over the years, but the last 2 seasons have me dreading the end. I have to admit that I'm disappointed with Marnie, though. As other commenters have stated, we never got to see what her real arc was supposed to be. In a lot of ways, I think that makes her storyline