Daria Morgendorfer

I totally agree. So many missed opportunities with Shosh on this show. She's always been such an interesting character and there has been so much room for growth with her and they just never really go for it. I had big hopes for Shosh in Japan but they really dropped the ball with that. I feel like now we're seeing

This is why I've always felt like the BS about Jessa being Hannah's best friend was so off-base. Jessa is a best friend to no one and always acted like she felt like she was so much better than all of the girls, Hannah included. Her acting like Hannah was a downgrade for Adam is all the proof of character that we

Marnie has never wanted what was good for her, and this is something that we've been seeing since season 1. Charlie worshipped the ground she walked on, and though I wouldn't want a guy who treated me like a baby either, she was turned off by how much she loved her and how comfortable he was with her. Plainly stated,

I didn't know that, but that's awesome!

And the fact that Lip didn't even seem to care that she was there. He asked Lip if that was her and if that was her Jeep and that was it. Lip really has a thing for women who treat him like shit. I always hated how he treated Mandy. Even if he didn't want to be with her, he was never grateful enough for how good she

Was the bad sex between Jessa and Adam supposed to be a one-time thing? Because I've personally had instances where I really liked someone and yet we had zero sexual chemistry and it was a deal breaker. I feel like Jessa and Adam are too quirky to really be a couple—I think they would get sick of each other's weird

I wish that instead of defending their crappy writing they would take note that viewers aren't thrilled and maybe consider it constructive criticism. I hope that season 7 is finally a strong one. Season four is their last great season in my opinion, but those first four seasons were spectacular.

Good point! Wow, how telling that I had completely forgotten about the gentrification angle they were pushing at the beginning of the season. What does it say about this show that there have been so many conflicts that have arisen and either disappeared and been solved in just 9 episodes that some things have already

True, you're right. Many posters have written that they think there will be an overdose and I agree with this. It seems a little obvious, but I can't see why else they would've had Sean relapse and shoot up and continue to bring it up in just about every episode. As you noted, he's leaving the show anyway. Someone

I'm really not sure. I don't personally know that many people that watch, just a few. I don't think the ratings are a huge smash success. I've always been under the impression that it's not hugely popular but those that watch it are avid fans.

Good point, they do an excellent job with what they're given to work with. They're all solid actors on this show.

So true. It's always the bottom of the barrel on this show now. This show has always been unique in that it takes a really dark subject matter and makes almost a mockery of it at times, but at least in the past it was solid, excellent writing. Now it's just a freak show and it gets chalked up to "Shameless just being

LOL, Poor Liam. He has basically been a filler character, almost like a prop. I don't understand why he isn't allowed to speak. Are they that cheap? I know that non-speaking parts get less money.

Because they think that viewers want to see this family hit rock bottom over and over and over again. Which might be true, but personally I find it to be getting tiring. The writers' need to constantly put these characters in jeopardy is what makes this show like a soap opera too often these days, and it has become

I loved JJS even though I know this isn't a popular opinion. They had chemistry. Fiona and Sean have zero chemistry. My problem with Fiona's love interests is that they now last a few episodes and are quickly replaced by another love interest. I wouldn't mind at least one season of single Fiona figuring her shit out

100% agree with you. There is no depth in the character at all anymore, and any semblance of the show returning to what it once was only reminds me how far the show has fallen. It isn't great anymore. It's decent at best and that's a shame.

Agree with you on Sean. I just don't buy Sean and Fiona as a couple. They have no chemistry. Their sex scenes were so cringe-worthy. Yeah, Fiona does seem to notice that she goes from relationship to relationship, but now she's going from marriage to marriage. I miss when she had an actual personality and a storyline

It reminded me how much I used to love the friendship between Lip and Mandy. The older seasons of this show were SO good, when something happens that reminds you, it's hard not to realize how far they've fallen. The characters lack any depth, and they used to have so much of it.

I would love to see Carl end up as a cop. This show does everything to extremes and it pisses me off sometimes. They over do things in an effort to show how terrible their upbringing was and how awful it is to grow up in Southside Chicago, but they take it a little too far sometimes. My upbringing was nowhere near as