
NO Dave. Everyone knows "Black 9/11" is still April 4, 1968. The day Black Jesus himself, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. RIP MLK :(

Liv-Clive is my #1 pairing following this spectacular episode.

Even in Inglorious Basterds Brad Pitt's character may have been an asshole, but at least he was a cool and LIKEABLE asshole, unlike Batfleck, who for me was completely unlikeable and a total idiot at times, I believe.

Luke was a fully fleshed out human being, with flaws, he complained he even had to get rescued a lot, all the way to his epic victory in blowing up the Death Star.

What were they thinking with poor Daisy's ridiculously wooden acting and facial expressions. There was nothing natural about her performance, nothing even remotely layered with how she was written. Maybe if they cast her as Lara Croft they'll make her a robot? LOLOL ;D

I still bet, even after watching the trailer for this parody (that at least does the decency of acknowledging itself as a PARODY) this is infinitely superior to J. J. Abrams colossal disaster, "Disney Wars: The Failed Awakening."

I didn't even read most of this review. David Lynch's Dune is one of the greatest and most criminally underrated Science-Fiction films in all of cinema history.

My sentiments exactly, same goes for those bullshit Arya sequences as well.

"Flung out of Space" and "You're in a trance!" Not only was the dialogue in Carol atrociously pretentious, it was Jupiter Ascending levels of laughable at times. Carol should not have been nominated for any Oscars outside of the Production and Costume categories.

All hail "The Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption!!!"

What about Black-ish? That's a very funny show, but one I would argue is at its funniest when it does get political.

You know how Sandra won twice? She laid low, didn't make herself a physical or strategic threat, and played the social game very subtle and I would even argue kindly.

Jeff Probst is the BEST HOST of a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g. EEEEVVVEERRR!!! imho

HAHAHA!!!! I really hope you're joking.

Don't forget also that David Benioff also co-wrote the script for X-men Origins: Wolverine.

If you think that you must not have seen his Oscar-nominated performance in Witness, where he was very vulnerable and human, unlike the obnoxiously hammy at times, Indy #4-esque boredom in this new Star Wars movie. I thought his work was very weak, in my personal opinion.

HAHA!!!! VERY funny, Johnson! You're absolutely right, what's wrong with me?! This movie was Citizen Kane on steroids! Anyone who didn't want a rehashed and parody-esque version of the iconic original just doesn't get it! LOL ;)

Glad I'm not alone in my dissatisfaction!

I know, right! It's just a stupid movie, it's not like it's that important!!

I second that! And we can have John Travolta from Battlefield Earth be the moderator or announcer!!!!!