
Here's hoping this movie is a masterpiece just like The Big Short, and wins Best Picture at the Oscars like that movie should have. Spotlight was okay… but the characters and directing were so BLAND by comparison!

Shit… Wild Force was a great season too. Not sure if I'll be able to watch it again now. At least no one in the Time Force cast killed anyone. RIP Joshua Sutter, murdered by Ricardo MenDICKa Jr. ;(

My Official 2016 Razzie Nominating Ballot, for those who are interested:

Agree to disagree. I thought Kristen Wiig was scarringly awful in Zoolander 2, and as an actual Razzie voter, she's got my vote locked down for Worst Supporting Actress.

I support metaphorical fires in the corrupt elitist establishment, NOT actual fires. I hate Trump, yet even I can admit this kid is a total f**king idiot.

Silly AV Club, don't you listen to the Grammys? Justin Bieber's Purpose was clearly better than David Bowie's Blackstar, OBVIOUSLY!!! rotflmao just kidding. Stupid Grammys. ;)

Jennifer Lawrence will wind up being the Mel Gibson of this generation. Only she won't be given a comeback and forgiveness like Mel, due to industry sexism. YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST. :|

I hate Steve Bannon, I myself am freaking Jewish and find ALL his alt-righters COMPLETELY DEPLORABLE. But I'm still watching Seinfeld, sorry. One of the all-time classics. :)

Jimmy Fallon is awesome. Damn sheeple, GET SOME LIVES PEOPLE. As a liberal progressive who is probably voting for Hillary Clinton this November (unless I write-in Garnet from Steven Universe #GarnetforPresident ), Jimmy Fallon is a great comedian and entertainer who does not deserve this kind of hate. The hair thing

GREAT article, happy to see someone discuss Clint Eastwood in a rational, honest manner. A breath of fresh air, for me anyway! :)

The Big Short cameo was a meta joke on her sex symbol status. Seriously, she's in McKay's masterpiece for just 2-3 minutes and delivers the best performance of her career. She's still not a very good actress, but damn what a phenomenal, deservedly-Oscar-winning script! :D

"Can't take roles that don't exist" Yes they do! Unless you're telling me her roles in Legend of Tarzan, Whiskey Tango FoxTrot, and Z For Zachariah never existed, in which case have fun in your alternate reality! ;)

Honestly, I put Margot Robbie in the same category as Jessica Alba and Brooklyn Decker: They're super hot, but they can't act. Margot is always serviceable in her roles, never annoying, yet I don't consider her a great ACTOR necessarily like Ellen Page, Brie Larson, or surprisingly in the last few years, even Kristen

I give the movie an A+, personally. The Big Short is my #1 favorite film of 2015, and I see a TON of movies, so that's really saying a lot. Mad Max was a close 2nd.

The ONLY great movies this year so far have been Captain America: Civil War, Deadpool, and probably Weiner, the latter doc just in terms of sheer investment.

The last 30 minutes of the new Ghostbusters was genuinely FUN, it was hit and miss up until then, with some jokes falling flat and a boring part here and there. Hopefully they give Leslie Jones more to do in the sequel, I felt like all her good moments were in the trailer, honestly. And don't tell me its not getting a

Spoiler: it's the basically the exact same movie as the Original '77 film, only an infinitely dumber and more heartless version of that same movie.

I actually disagree. Into Darkness was flawed, yet still a fun ride, I saw it twice in theaters. Disney Wars was so bad I almost vomited after seeing it.

The WORST episode of Steven Universe, my #1 favorite TV show, as well as its ONLY bad one. Pretty impressive when you've had over 80 episodes. ;)

"TFA" LOL I just call it what it is, Disney Wars: The Failed Awakening. From Jar Jar Abrams. What a waste, to me it along with anything Disney does with this franchise, is no more Official Star Wars canon than Jupiter Ascending.