
I'm just expressing how I feel, you don't need to respond.

The Expanded universe had great writing, and organic and natural story progression and evolution. Also lots of cool and memorable characters!

This is intended as a wake-up call from a true, diehard Star Wars fan! If you don’t agree that’s fine, but know that this is all my genuine opinion.

You also can tell that Rey is OBVIOUSLY (not the most subtle movie) Kylo Ren's sister and is Leia's daughter.

I'm done commenting on this page, I'd like to thank everyone for being so respectful to me and my hatred of the new Star Wars movie. None of you have been jerks, and I will always appreciate that, considering how many rabid "fans" there are on the internet.

I actually have gotten over it, just like I eventually got over Terminator Genysys entirely. Commenting on the spoiler space here has been very therapeutic for me! ;)

My WORST fear was that they would play it TOO SAFE and rehash / rip-off the Originals. But even I never thought they'd steal SO MANY entire plot points.

Okay, now I get it. Thanks for explaining. Yeah, I got pretty intense for some parts there, didn't I? ;)

Also, it came out to 4 frikkin' pages on Microsoft Word, so even I admit it to be significantly longer than the average internet comment!

That's okay. I do hope you come back to finish it later, but if not I totally get it.

Thank you for your mature and honest feedback! :)

Did he have to be given such a weak-ass death, though? In a scene which ripped-off the Obi-wan death scene in A New Hope, only WITHOUT any elegance or poignancy this time? "cry" and "scream"

ALMOST exactly right, "sister", not "cousin". But close, very close. ;)

If they go there, it'll be the best stupid thing in this series since Ep. III Palpatine! "Yoda…. You survived." HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

Hmmmmmm….. It's almost like the people who wrote this movie were lazy pieces of shit. I wonder……………. LOL ;)

Don't forget Krysten "Jessica Jones" Ritter!

"she wound up looking more like the most evil HR middle management this side of a Dilbert strip."

Once again you hit it COMPLETELY on the nose with your opinion of one of TFA's lame "characters". If I did Facebook, I might even send you a friend request right about now LOL.

EXACTLY right on Finn. Even though he was WAAAAYYY more of a bad ass with that Lightsbaer than the movie's actual Force-user, Rey. How ironic.

What do you mean potential for Ray being LUKE'S DAUGHTER?!?!?! Rey IS OBVIOUSLY Leia and Han's daughter.